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A/N: THIS IS A VERY LONG CHAPTER (SORRY)! But here's the last chapter,  it's amazing how far I went with this whole writing thing and that's all thanks to you guys! YES YOU! I'm grateful for every single read, comment, message, and vote, and i'm especially grateful for you guys! LEAVE COMMENTS FOR NEW STORY IDEAS I SHOULD WRITE ABOUT (I'M OPEN TO ANYTHING). And with that, enjoy the chapter and I LUVV U GUYS!! XD 

"Link...she's so cute!"

Link signaled her to lower her voice. Zelda covered her mouth to prevent herself from squealing over their peacefully sleeping, baby girl. Zelda and Link looked down at their child lovingly. Suddenly, Zelda's eyes widened and she turned to Link, who became alarmed.

What's wrong? Did we not feed her? Bathe her? Aw don't tell me I'M the one who has to change the damn diaper!

"Link...we don't have a name>"

Phew...at least no diapers for me...

"Any ideas?" she asked him.

Link thought for a moment then after a few moments gave up.

"Well that was helpful."

Link just smiled embarrassedly. 

"Hm how about...Yerina?"

Link shook his head.


Link shook his head again.


And a third time Link shook his head. After going through the list of names Zelda had in her head, she wearily collapsed on the floor next to Link's legs.

"Why is this so hard?!"

Zelda felt Link's strong hand tap her shoulder and so she looked up at him slowly.

"What is it?"

He pointed to their daughter's crib.

Zelda pulled herself up from the ground and peered over the side of the crib. Thier daughter had just woken up and began crawling around and exploring her surroundings within her crib. She looked at the wooden xylophone that sat directly in front of her and inched her way towards it. She lifted her small hands ready to hit the instrument. Zelda covered her ears as to prepare for the loud sound she would make from hitting the keys that hard. 

But no loud noise was heard.

Instead, a sweet melodious tune came from the wooden xylophone. Their daughter continued to play the instrument with glee, entertaining herself thoroughly.

"But...she's just banging on the instrument. Why does it sound so pretty?" Zelda wondered.

"It's because...she was born with that talent," Link responded.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Look at her left hand."

Zelda looked at her daughter's hand to see the same brightly glowing triforce symbol, resting on the back her hand. Zelda smiled. And once again, Zelda's eyes widened, but this time with excitement, as if the lightbulb in her head turned on. 

"Let's name her Phira!"

Link looked at her confused as to why she chose that name.

"It means she has a love of music."

Once Link heard her explanation, he smiled widely and nodded in agreement.



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