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"What's wrong with your ankle?"

He looked down at it and tried to roll his pant leg down to cover it up. 

"Well you fooled me," she said sarcastically.

Did he really think I would just forget about a mark like that on his ankle by covering it up in front of me? Oh Link...

She rolled the cuff back up to reveal the bite on his leg.

"What is this? Who did this?"

"That cat- ACKH!" he cringed with pain.


"Mhmm..." he grunted throughthe pain

"Um this doesn't look like an ordinary bite, but I think I have something..." Zelda said sounding a bit panicked. She didn't want to see Link suffer anymore tha he had to.

Zelda stood up from the ground and scanned her vanity for a...aha! A small glass bottle with a dancing fairy inside. She knelt back on the ground beside him and gave him the bottle to drink.

Link paused and raised an eyebrow, confirming it was alright if he drank it.

"Yes! It's for you! Just drink it!"

He gulped it down in one swig and exhaled as soon as he finished. Hos face relaxed and Zelda sensed he felt better.

"Did that do the trick?"

Link nodded in gratitude.  

"C'mon, let's go," she encouraged. She hoisted herself up then reached out a hand to Link. He took it and was brought up from the ground. He looked straight at Zelda, who looked back at him nervously. 

What are you tryin to do here, Link?

He walked closer to her and Zelda felt her cheeks get hot. She looked at the ground then placed her hand on his abdomen and rubbed it back and forth-


Link backed away clutching his stomach. 

Does he have a stomach ache or something?

"Link, you okay?"

No answer.

She placed her hand back on his stomach and he flinched as soon as she did so.

Why is he so sensitive- wait a minute...

Zelda smirked. 

As he started walking out of the bathroom, Zelda snuck up behind him and wrapped her arms around him and wiggling her fingers against his stomach.

"HAHAH! Payback!"

Link began to squirm but couldn't escape Zelda's firm embrace.

"Hey, I never heard the Hero of Time being ticklish, or was that just a rumor?" she teased. 

Link looked like he couldn't bear it any longer. He wanted to laugh so bad.

And he did.

And it was unlike any laugh Zelda had heard of his before.

She thought she knew what his real laugh had sounded like, but this, you could tell this was his real, genuine, laugh. It sounded like a little kid's laugh, but in the best way possible. Zelda was happy, she could make him laugh like that. She was glad she was the only one who could make him laugh like that. 

As she enjoyed every chuckle and hiccup of Link's laugh, she didn't notice that her towel...wasn't wrapped around her like it was before. Link finally broke free of Zelda's tickling and turned around to face her.

"Zel!" he shouted looking away from her.

"Huh? What is it?"


"What? Just tell me!" she asked eagerly.


"Why are you hiding from me?"

She turned him the other way around to face her and held him by the biceps tightly. Link was on the train to Nosebleedville. 

How does she not know?!






Zelda opened the door and pushed him out of the bathroom in less than a second. Her cheeks felt so hot that she could boil tea on them. Her heart was pounding as she clutched her chest to regain her breath.

What the hell was that?! He's seen me naked before...so why do I feel so embarrassed. Why was HE so embarrassed? I guess...we are just still getting used to things...but you know what? It's all the matter of time, and I'll just grow to love him more and more until things are...more comfortable between us.

She took her shower then popped her head around the door, making absolutely sure no one was there. She walked  into her closet and admired the dress she was wearing tonight for her...

Engagement celebration...but it's not really a celebration...if people aren't happy, right?

She sighed and reluctantly put on the gown. It was a pretty gown, not her usual lilac or pale pink, but she liked it very much. 

She was just wrapping up the finishing touches to her look when she heard a knock on her bedroom door. She jogged daintily to the door and opened it. 

"Ready Princess?"

A/N: Hey guys! I actually hate homework so much, it consumes all my time and freedom and I''m like....NO! AHhah but anyway, the color BLUE was everyone's fave color when I asked on my message board, so i made blue the color of Zelda's dress for the party! yeah i bet you were expecting something a bit more grand, but i just wanted some feedback from you guys! Anyways, hope you enjoyed it, please comment and suggest things, and I'll see you in th enext part! LY ALL SMMM XD XD XD

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