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"A what?"

"Why yes Zelda dear, a celebration of your engagement to Elvin!"

"Oh erm...okay."

It was still awkward between them. Zelda hadn't told Viessa that she really didn't love Elvin, despite how charming he is. 

"Zelda, may I have a word with you in private?" Elvin asked kindly.

"Oh... of course. We can talk in the garden."

The two of them began to walk away beside each other. Link growled under his breath and started to make his way towards them.

"They are a wonderful couple, don't you agree?" Viessa smirked.

Link stopped in his tracks to look behind him at Viessa. She strode slowly towards him.

"If I were you, I'd better not interrupt them. You could perhaps..."

She was so close to him that Link could feel her soft breath against the nape of his neck.

"...get in their way," she whispered. 

Link mentally threw up as her words sent chills down his spine.


He lunged over and shouted in pain as he felt his ankle start to sting and throb. He looked down to see that Harrium had bitten him. Some blood streamed from where he was attacked. Harrium trotted away from Link and jumped into Viessa's arms. She cradled the kitten as he purred softly.

"My apologizes. Harrium never bites..."

Link continued to look at her with suspicion.

"Well I'm off, see you at the party tonight!"

And she was gone.


The bite was still throbbing erratically and his whole body was surging with pain. 

What's with this bite? The pain won't go away...



Zelda and Elvin were sitting beside one another on one of the benches in the royal garden, admiring all of the plantings.

"You like the garden, Elvin?"

"Very much so."

"Most men don't really appreciate this kind of stuff, but you seem to like it, huh?"

"Well a garden that is taken care of by a princess mustn't be ignored..."

"How did you know I planted-"

"-it's not a traditional garden. You've hand-selected flowers that you think work best with each other and that compliment you, the garden, and the kingdom simultaneously."

Damn Elvin, spot on!

"Wow I'm impressed! You really know how to make a girl happy, you know that?"

Elvin looked embarrassed for a second, then his flushed expression returned to normal.

"Why...thank you."

"Hey! Since we don't know a lot about each other, let's take this moment to get to know each other. I mean we're going to be married after all..."

Marrying...it's such a wonderful thing to think about, but not when it's not with your true love...

"Are you okay Zelda?"

"Hm? Yeah I'm good, thank you. Okay so let me ask you first..."


"What do you do for fun?"

"Oh I...don't have a lot of time for that."

"What do you mean?"

"Well my mother-"

"-if she's the one holding you back from a good life, then she needs to learn a thing or two about happiness."

She's quiet on the outside, but opens up to be outspoken and bold...how alluring...

"But I'm perfectly happy princess," he said with a smile.

Zelda wasn't having it.

"Alright, then I dare you to go jump in that fountain."

Elvin laughed heartedly. 

"Princess, I'm afraid I can't do that!"

"Why is that?"

"It's not very proper, firstly. And my clothes would get wet and I'd track water-"

He stopped mid sentence when he saw Zelda take of one of the heavy layers of her gown and threw it aside.

"Z-Zelda! What are yo-"

"Let loose Elvin! No one is here!"


"Well I'm gonna have some real fun by myself if you're not joining me."

She started far away from the fountain to get a running start, and began to sprint. She leapt high off the ground and splashed into the fountain. Her head popped up as she waved to Elvin.

"C'mon! It's not gonna kill you."


"Fine then I guess-"

She was cut off from being splashed with water. She turned around to find...

"Finally! See, it's not so terrible, right?"

"Not at all!"

They played in the fountain for some time, loving every minute they spent with each other.

Wow looks like they're having fun. Won't be long till she doesn't need me anymore, Link thought to himself as he passed the two of them having fun while he was in all sorts of pain.

Game Fixer: Book II (A Zelink Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now