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A/N: So if you guys didn't know, I'm now updating on Mondays instead of Sundays, just because it works out better for me and I can write you guys a thought-out chapter! ALSO if you guys didn't answer (I know some of you did :D) could you please tell me out of these colors (pink, purple, blue, green) which one you like the best? Thank you! So with that, let's continue...


Link opened his eyes slowly as he awoke to someone playing with his hair. 

Wait but...I was alone before I...

Link's eyes widened as he sprung out of his chair and looked to see who was behind him. He was already holding onto the handle of his sword, ready to pull it out if...

"Morning to you too," Zelda chuckled. 

Link relaxed and let out a deep sigh. 

"Why were you up so late last night?"

Link looked down at the floor.

Zelda grabbed one of the books he was studying from off his desk.

"You know I love you just the way you are, right?"

Link still remained silent. Zelda was getting frustrated. She raised the book over her head and smacked him playfully on the head. Link held up his shield as she banged on it repeatedly, still thinking she could still hit him. Link's face was blank.

"You stupid! Why can't you get this past your head? I don't  want to be with some snob, I want to be with you!"

Tired out from trying to smack him with the book, she finally stopped and her head hung low. Link put his shield away and walked over to her. He interlocked his hand with hers and Zelda's head lifted slowly. Link smiled lightly. He took one last glance at the etiquette book before Zelda threw it over her shoulder and smirked.

She pulled him in by the collar of his shirt until  they were close to each other. Zelda leaned in as if she were about to kiss him. Link's eyes were closed and waited for their lips to touch, but he felt nothing. Turns out Zelda pulled away last second. He saw her leaning in again and he did the same.

She pulled away again.

And again.

And again.

Zelda laughed at Link's reaction.

"What are you so hesitant for?"

Link finally took charge and kissed her softly. She tugged on his soft, dirty-blonde hair and he let slip out a very faint moan. 

"What was that?!" she teased and giggled. Link's face was flushed and he felt embarrassment from his little slip-up. 

"You're so cute, Link!"


"A what?"

"A party! Or a ball of some sort. To celebrate their engagement."


"Quiet Elvin!" she muttered under her breath.


"Mr. Prenelous, this would be great publicity and ensure Hyrule's townspeople that we are being governed by a strong-willed couple!"

"I'm unsure at the moment madam, but perhaps-"

Mr. Prenelous, the castle event planner, jolted and his once blue eyes were now purple. 

"-perhaps, we can accomodate your wishes, as soon as possible."

"Splendid! How about tomorrow evening?"

"That's quite soon, but I'm sure we can oblige."

"Then it's settled."

Mr. Prenelous jolted once more and his eye color was once again blue. He straightened himself out and brushed some lint of of his jacket, and walked away. 

"Well done, kitty."

Harrium gracefully came out from where he was hiding and licked his paw in satisfaction.

"Mother, you didn't have to use Harrium to do that, did you?"

"Oh darling I know, I just wanted to!"

"Mother! This isn't how it should be!"

"Elvin! This will save our kingdom don't you know? Do you want to let all your future citizens down?"

Elvin looked away from her at the thought of his people suffering.

"You're telling the truth?"

"Of course dear."

Game Fixer: Book II (A Zelink Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now