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And Link.

Going at it...

And all Zelda could do was watch.

Peach's hands were undoing his collar and rubbing her hands back and forth along his chest. Her hand kept going lower and lower....

Zelda couldn't watch anymore and she took off crying.

What the hell did I just see?!

She kept running and running far away from the two, as fast as she could...brokenhearted.

What did I even do?! Was he mad because of Elvin? He knows I can't help that, but that's all I can think of! Dammit Link. DAMMIT.

Peach stopped seducing Link and stepped away from him with Link still unable to move.

Zelda saw us, and I was too weak to do anything. I have to fix this...but I still can't frickin' move!

"How did you like that?" Peach smirked.

Link looked away from her.

"How do you think she liked it?"


"I think she enjoyed it...."

Something was happening to Peach's voice.

"Didn't you see her reaction?"

It was becoming more...deeper and mature-sounding...

"Splendid wasn't it, Link?"

There was no mistaking it.

Peach's hair was now a jet black color, her skin became more pale, and her once blue eyes became green.


"What's with that face boy?"

Link was too astonished to answer, considering the fact that Viessa pressed him up against a wall and-

"Oh don't worry. I wouldn't touch your filthy little body if my life depended on it. That was just a decoy of the real girl. Speaking of which,  I happened to run into her earlier and had a little chat with her. I thought we would have a better conversation in my dungeon so I put her there. Now seeing that I'm here, I feel awfully bad for leaving her alone, so I put this one there too."

A silver orb flew out of her scepter and it projected an image of Peach and Roy sitting on the stone, cold floors of a dungeon.

Ghhhhh Viessa!!

"It's quite hilarious actually because what's the point in showing you that when you're not going anywhere?" she chuckled, "you're not going anywhere until I get that power of yours, 'Hero!'"

Why does everybody want this geezus... just work harder a not being a total psychopath.

"Now let's unlock that true and dark power of yours, eh?"

She pulled a small pocket dagger from a secret pocket in her dress and slit a small opening in the side of her hand.

"Blood of the successor..."

She bent down to the curse mark on Link's leg and rubbed a bit of her blood on the mark (sorry that's kinda weird and gross :3).

"With the mark from the pawn..."

She stood up from the ground and looked around on the floor for-


"Ah! There you are Harrium!"

The cat jumped into her arms from off the floor. Viessa reached towards the cat's face and plucked a whisker from its cheek. She then bent down once again to let the cat go and eyed the whisker carefully.

What the hell is going on? I need to get free and find Zelda!

Viessa took the whisker with her two index fingers and stretched it out. The whisker got longer with every stroke she made. With the whisker, she then coiled it around her scepter and pointed it at Link's curse marked leg.

"Prepare for the the ultimate upgrade 'Hero'!" 

As she recited a few incantations, a red beam of light shot out from her scepter and onto Link's leg.

"GHHAA!", Link cried out in pain.


Link...why? Why would you do that to me? He didn't even react, it's like he didn't see me...

Zelda recalled the first time she met Link as a flashback played in her head. 

She pictured him being dragged out of the room when he helped her pick up her books, with his cute smile and his little wave. She remembered inviting him into her house for cookies which she fed him by hand. He was so shocked that his face turned red. And she remembered how sad she felt after he left her house.

But now...I don't know what to think. Sigh...he wouldn't do that, right? I don't want to jump to conclusions like I did before. I want to give him a chance to speak for himself. But I do I disregard what I just saw-


Her thoughts were interrupted and she fell onto the ground.

No sorry pushed onto the ground.

She looked up from where she sat and saw two huge creatures who stood before her blocking her path.

Game Fixer: Book II (A Zelink Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now