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"Rnngh!! Would you just snap out of it already?!"

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"Rnngh!! Would you just snap out of it already?!"

The battle between Link and Marth was still ongoing. Their swords clashed against each other multiple times, even denting a bit of Marth's blade, which was almost unbreakable. Marth swiftly moved across the floor of the dusty dungeon, almost like a dance/fancy moveset,  swiping his sword at Link until it hit something.

Did I...I-I didn't mean to...

His sword banged against Link's shield, blocking his attack.

"Heh! You still carry that around?" he taunted.

"You should start doing the same," Link replied slyly.

"Huh? GAUUGH!"

For a split second he saw Link lunge towards him with his sword...


Before it pierced right through Marth's lower chest. 

Marth stumbled backward, putting his hand over the wound to stop the gushing blood from pouring out.

I-It's not...stopping

He collapsed onto the floor, still alive but gasping for air. Link chuckled at the sight of his dying friend. He stomped on his stomach forcefully, making Marth bleed even more.



All of a sudden, Link felt a surging pain throbbing in his head. He clutched it with both hands and squinted with agony, yelling out loud as his cry echoed through the empty halls of the dungeon. Link looked back at Marth, still lying on the floor. There were so many voices talking inside his head.


What are you doing?! Finish him! (MK ref hehe)

I jus-

Do it! NOWW!




A golden light sprung from Link's hand. The light consumed him and he was now glowing with the true power of his triforce. The gloppy purple, black, and red darkness possessing him (creds to Viessa) was now being sucked out of Link and disappeared into thin air. He was stripped of his once red tunic (ehehehe) and was now clothed with a royal blue tunic. His master sword, shield, and arrows, were now the same gold as the light which came within him. The golden light had faded away and his triforce gleamed one last time before the light disappeared completely. 

Link rushed over to his friend's side and tried to help him. Marth gradually turned his head to look up at Link and smirked. 

"You're back now?"

"Don't talk, you'll make it worse," Link said hurriedly as he searched through his bags to find some kind of remedy.

"Wow...heh...*cough cough* so you do talk?"

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