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"This way you two!"

Elvin  led the two heroes deeper into the depths of the castle where Zelda never dared to explore. Their footsteps echoed against the walls as they continued to run towards the dungeon.

"Elvin, why are you helping us? Shouldn't you find your mom?" Marth asked.

Elvin stopped in his tracks.



"My mother is unfortunately the cause for all this."
"Wait what?"
"Yes, all this time she's been planning her every move for taking over Hyrule. I'm so sorry Zelda."
"Don't be I knew something was up. Hold on, on does that mean you-"
"Quite the opposite. I'm trying to take down my mother once and for all. I've honestly had enough of her games..."
Elvin pulled out a fan from his waist and it transformed into a golden spear. The tip gleamed was so pristine that it shined within the depths of the dungeon.
"Zelda. I'm afraid my mother is planning to use Link in her scheme."
Zelda's eyes widened with fear.
"We must go now and act quickly."
The three of them ran deeper towards the dungeon.
Link, please be okay...
"Oh cmon babe."
"Did you just call me 'babe'?"
Zelda listened to the conversation, try's by to figure that it who was fighting with each- wait a minute...
"Guys! I heard some people talking this way."
The gang changed their direction towards the way the sound was coming from. As they ran towards the noise, they became louder and louder.
"That is not my head!"
"You sure?"
"Well my head isn't located near my ass!"
The heroes finally reached the dungeon from which the bickering came from.
"I knew it was you two!" Zelda exclaimed.
Roy and Peach looked at the three of them blankly through the cell bars. Roy's hand was still on Peach's...
"Take your hand off my ass or i will bring out the frying pan..." she said rather menacingly.
Roy immediately took his hand off and began to whistle as if nothing happened.
"Thank you guys fro coming down to rescue us, Peach said as Elvin unlocked the cell door with the ring of keys he kept in his pocket and the princess and the warrior both stepped out.
"I'm guessing my mother locked you both in here. My apologies."
"Nah you're fine! Peachy and I bonded a li-"
Peach cut him off by slowly pulling out her frying pan. Roy shrank back and continued to whistle.
"Did she do anything to you guys?"
"I just remember walking to the party and then everything went black. I opened my eyes a little and i could've sworn i saw another...me," Peach explained.
"What do you mean another you?" Marth asked.
"Exactly what I said! Another me..."
Zelda gasped quietly to herself.
So that Peach I saw with Link... was....Viessa's doing?
"After i blacked out I woke up here...with this big old perv."
" Oh cmon! i'm not a perv! you just don't want to admit your true feelings-"
Peach's eyes glinted.
"If you don't shut up, i'm gonna beat you to a single grain of rice!!!" she shouted ready to wack him with her pan.
I knew Link wouldn't do that to me. I knew it all along, but now...
"We should go now and find Link, before Viessa does anything further," Zelda suggested.
Everyone nodded and ran towards the exit of the dungeon.
The five heroes stopped in their tracks.
"Did you guys just hear someone laugh?"Marth wondered.
"Roy now is not the time to be laughing you ass!" Peach scolded.
"Hey hey! It wasn't me!"


"We aren't alone anymore," Elvin said ominously.
"Aw shit really?" Roy complained.
Peach turned her hand into a fist and smashed it on top of Roy's head.
"This is serious!"
"Alright alright geez..."
"Quit it you two!" Marth reprimanded.
Footsteps echoes in the corridors of the dungeon, getting louder and louder as it walked towards the gang.
"Who are you? And where's Link?" Zelda asked confidently although trembling inside.
"Thought you would recognize me by now..."
What? Who is this guy?
The figure finally came out of the shadows, revealing himself the the five of them.
No way...
This isn't...

Game Fixer: Book II (A Zelink Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now