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A/N: So sorry for not updating yesterday guys! I honestly just blanked and I know that's no excuse butI hope you guys can forgive me! Don't worry NO CLIFFHANGERS and let's continue!

"Where do you think you're goin' princess?" one of the beast guards boomed.

Zelda, still on the floor, backed away from the two soldiers, clearly belonging to Viessa.

"Get her!"

The two beast lunged at the helpless Zelda. She tried to shield herself with her arm then paused.


I'm not going to be weak anymore...

I have to actually do something this time...to fight back for once! 

She sprung up from the ground just before she got pummeled over by the guards. She landed back on her feet swiftly and regaining balance and confidence. 

"Don't let her get away dammit!"

The two beasts charged towards her with great force.

"Just to let you both know....I'm not holding back."

She summoned her sword and held it out strongly, ready to fight.

"HEYYAHH!" (ik that's what Link says and all but that's what i picture her saying i guess. feel free to make up whatever sound effect you want).

Running towards them quickly, Zelda jumped from the ground and came back down with a downward slash of her sword. One down. She sensed the second guard was now behind her. She immediately spun around to face him and wounded him a couple more times, but it wasn't enough to take him down. She then teleported from hin front of him to behind him, to which she then stabbed him right through the chest. Two down.

Zelda made a swish movement in the air with her sword to clear the residue of the two guards.



"You okay?"

"That was so badass!"

"What's going on?"

Zelda's fellow classmates made their way towards her with worried and excited looks. 

"Guys! You're here!" she said excitedly.

"'Course we are. What? You thought you could get away from us that easy?" Samus joked.

"Zelda that was sooo cool! Those two things came at like 'get her!' and you were like 'tch i'm holding back you noobs' and then you were all BOOM BOOM PACHOW SLASH STABBY STAB-"

"Geezus Pit calm down..." Ike said sounding annoyed.

"Eheh sorry...get reckt"

"Oh my god Pit really?"

The angel boy just smiled proudly. Ike face-palmed.

"Zelda what's going on?" Lucina asked worriedly.

"I honestly...couldn't tell ya Luc. This whole thing with Link and-"

"What happened?!" Caeda asked concerned.

"Now that you mention it, he was acting really weird today when I ran into him," Marth added.


"Yeah. And I'm pretty sure I heard someone talking to him when I was walking back."


"Wait, how did you guys find me? And how were you able to leave the room before the night ended?" Zelda questioned.

"The whole ballroom is filled with those beasts you were just handling. We made an exit for the door as soon as we could," Robin explained, "as we were running, we heard you and ran as quickly as possible."

"Wait the castle is being attacked?!" 

"Unfortunately yes, our best bet is getting outside right away. We should be moving now!" Robin urged.

"But Link..." Zelda said weakly.

I can't just leave him here with all this going on!

"There's no time!"

"I'm not leaving best bud behind Robin, you can count on that!"

"In case you haven't noticed, Marth, we are about to washed out by a bunch of unidentified creatures. I'm not letting any of my comrades risk their lives now! You both are staying with us!"

"Robin..." Lucina said a bit taken aback by his harsh words.

"I guess you didn't hear me right then...."

Marth's bangs covered his face, making his expression unreadable and his aura a bit sinister.



"What's wrong with you?! You're telling me that not one other of your friends should get left behind and die, but you're telling  us to leave Link? Your friend? Would you be okay with him dying?I'M GOING TO GET MY FRIEND BACK WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT, YOU HEAR ME?!"

Marth had Robin by the collar, who didn't seem phased at by Marth's actions.


"Say something dammit!"

"Marth I'll go," Zelda reassured.

"Not alone, right?" Pat asked anxiously.

"No. Zel I'm coming with you," Marth joined in.

"Marth we can't attack alone. We need you and Zelda to help fight off these things-" Robin started.

"I'll take their places!"

A flash of red that came from the ceiling dropped down on the ground and landed with a thud. 

A big ass red sword.

Shaggy blonde hair.

There was no mistaking it.

"It's about time you got here dude," Ike yawned.

"I guess you could say...."

"Pit don't I swe-"


"Goddammit Pit."

"Shulk!" Zelda squealed. It was good to see him again.

"What's up love?"

"Hey wait, where's No-Filter-Roy?" Samus wondered.

"Yeah where is that idiot? He went off with that sketchy chick-"

"He went with Viessa shit!


The growls and cries of beasts and creatures echoed in the grand hallways. The louder they got, the more creatures came their way.

"What do we do?" Pat asked determinedly.

"We'll split up," Robin commanded.

"Oh now we can all do different things," Marth whined.

"Alright I apologize. Anyway, Zelda and Marth go look for Link, Roy, and any other victims-"

"I would like to join them as well if that's okay."


"I think I know where my mother took your friends. I could be helpful!"

"Yes thank you Elvin!" Zelda cheered.

"Everyone else, we're on for battle. We'll all meet up at the royal garden/courtyard. Ready?" Robin directed.



"Will there be cake after this?"

"Geezus crimeney PIT!"

"I'm ready!"

"Let's go!"

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