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A/N: Just to let you guys know that this is LOOOONG but yeah i mean meh. I hope you enjoy it! Sorry for the many delays! I'll be updating tmrrw...well it is tmrrw i guess... but i'm still updating so yay! love uuuu!

ALSO! I'd like to thank @Miststar555  for the fanart above! He/She is so supportive and kind and her artwork is amazing!!

A sound let out as Link smirked.

"We've been looking for you everywhere, now we finally foun-"

As she ran towards him, Marth's arm blocked her path. 


"That's not Link..."

"What the...yeah it is Marth! You losin' vision or something..." Roy interjected.

Peach nodded in agreement.

"You're right for once, he does look like Link, but Marth, do you..."

"That's not my friend..."


Everyone's gaze was now on Marth. Elvin stared at the figure claiming to be Link.

"He's not wrong. That isn't the Link you know. He's under the influence of a greater power."

"Heh..." Link let out another smirky noise.

Zelda looked at him with worried eyes. He was pale with the color of his eyes being almost transparent and only faintly gray. He now wore his tunic, but it wasn't green, it was maroon and black (Viessa's color's) which gave him an ominous aura. Zelda stepped back as Link inched closer to the gang, revealing more of himself. 

I know now too...that the figure in front of me now is...is not Link at all!

Link drew his sword out from behind his shoulder, initiating a fight. The gang all drew out their weapons when the ground below them began to quake. Dust and small rocks fell from the ceiling of the dungeon. 

"We don't want to fight you, Link!" Elvin cried out.

Link tensed up with more anger inside of him. 

"Everyone stop..."

All heads turned to Marth.

"Peach. Roy. Go scope out backup. Looks like our friends need them up above."

"Marth what are you sa-"

 "Elvin. Zelda. As long as Viessa's still around, I'm afraid your world will be destroyed. Get out of here, find Viessa, and..."

"Marth hey!"

"Bring Viessa to her KNEES!"

Everyone was surprised at Marth's anger and all had shocked expressions.

"hhhhhHHAAHH! If she's still alive, still hurting innocent people, my friends...Caeda...Link...my BEST FRIEND.... I DON'T WANT TO LOSE HIM TO THAT PIECE OF SCUM!"

Everyone could see the emotions that Marth was expressing. He always seemed happy and friendly, but when it comes to friends, his best friends, and loved ones, he couldn't restrain himself. That just showed everyone that Marth really cared for every single one of his comrades...

"So that's why..." he continued, "I'M going to be the one to bring you back to us."

"Marth! We can't leave you alone!" Peach shouted.

"Yeah man I'm staying here too-" Roy added before getting cut off.

"I appreciate the help..." Marth said calmly.

Game Fixer: Book II (A Zelink Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now