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A/N: Oh yeah double update here we go! I also love this picture (not mine). Look at Pit and sassy Marth thinking he's hot shit. Hahahha enjoy!

Wearing a frilly but tasteful pink gown, huge, blue, pearl earrings, and with her long blonde hair swept out to the sides, there she stood.

"Been a while huh Link?"


Peach had changed from their last encounter...well considering the fact that she was kinda possessed by Cia and seemed less of...

A bitch.

"Listen, I'm sorry I did all that stuff to you and Zelda. I really didn't mean it. I guess I was just vulnerable at that time and Cia got a hold of me."

When did she feel "vulnerable"?  Link wondered.

"Just seeing you with her..."

Link's eyes widened.

Was she jealous? Even when we were together?

"S-Sorry! I didn't realize I was talking aloud..."

Her cheeks were even rosier than the color of her dress.

"Hey, your ankle..."

She bent down to roll his pant leg up. Link tensed up. 

Umm don't do that now...

Her eyes grew worried as she saw that the marking had spread up past his thighs.

"A curse mark? How'd this happen?"

Link shrugged.

"Well I don't think you should be taking this so lightly. We should check it out, c'mon-"

She grabbed his wrist and tried to pull him along with her, but his feet were firmly planted on the ground, like his feet were glued to the marble floor.


"Hello Viessa! I was just about to-"

"Leave your guests unattended? Oh no, you simply mustn't! What could be more important?"

I can't really tell her why I need to go...

"I um...."

"Madam, if I may, inquire you about your broach."

What the hell?! Roy?!  Zelda asked herself in shock. 

"And who are you?" Viessa replied with disgust.

"I'm Prince Roy of Altea, and it is my honor to be in your presence at this moment."

He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it.

BLUGHH! It's all wrinkly and shit! The guys are so bringing that up again at some point.

Sure enough, the guys were all clutching their stomachs ready to burst out into laughter. Viessa smirked, interested more in what the young man had to say (not in that way *eye roll*).

"Tell me Prince Roy, what is it about my broach that struck your attention..."

The two of them walked away side by side conversing about broaches.  Roy peered behind his shoulder and winked at Zelda. The gang all gawked at Roy's little performance. 

"It actually...worked," Robin said bewildered.

"That lil shmuck..." Ike added.

Everyone blinked simultaneously multiple times.

"Now's your chance Zelda!" Pat exclaimed.

"Yeah go find Link," Samus chimed in.

Zelda looked at her friends as they all nodded in approval. She looked up at Elvin who nodded his head as well.

"What are you waiting for? Go!" he said with a smile gently pushing her towards the exit. She smiled back and sneakily crept out of the room.

Back to Peach and Link...

"What's wrong?" Peach asked concerned. 


"Are you still in pain?"


Peach couldn't tell what he was feeling since his soft blonde bangs covered his face. She walked closer to him so that she could uncover his face. As she revealed his face, all that stretched across his face was pain. His eyes were quivering, on the brink of crying, and his teeth clenched. His eyebrows were furrowed and his whole face grew stiff. He was in an unbearable amount of pain.

Peach, feeling sorry for him, pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back in circles. They stood there for a moment longer until Peach pulled away, still holding Link in her arms. She pressed her forehead onto his and began playing with his hair.

"You're going to feel better soon I promise, but you have to come with me okay?"


Peach's hand left the back of Link's head, where she was ruffling his hair, and made it's way to his chest. She rubbed it up and down continuously.

I can't...move. No matter what I do, I can;t shake her off. It's like I'm being held back by chains or something...

"I mean...I can make you feel better here too if you don't feel like moving..." she said seductively while licking and biting her bottom lip.

I still can't move...DAMMIT!

She moved even closer to him with her mouth slightly open.


"Link! Where are y-"

Zelda came to a complete stop in her tracks.

A/N: I said no cliffhangers...but I guess I lied. I SOWWY! Good news though is that I will still be updating on Monday, so the next part will be out soon! Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it, please comment and suggest things, and I'll see you in the next part! <333

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