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Two pixelated hearts were thrown at the two fallen heroes. Immediately, Zelda and Elvin began to feel total relief from their suffering. They looked upwards to see a tall figure with spiky hair standing before them.

"What the-"

"Zelda, do you know this man?"

"Oh I definitely know this man."

Her former principal, Cloud towered over them with his left hand on the handle of his fusion sword and grunted to make his presence known. 

"And who's this?" Viessa asked curtly.

"Not important..." Cloud responded.

"Are you instigating a duel against me? I would advise you not if you wish to perish within a blink of an eye."

"We'll see about that."


Mr. Game and Watch, Lucas, Ness, Fox, Mario, Meta Knight, and all the other smashers all gathered behind Cloud ready to fight alongside him.

"We brought the backup!" Roy shouted from behind.

Viessa growled as her various monsters and beasts stood behind her, prepared to take down the smashers.

"ATTACK," Viessa yelled, and both sides began to battle.

Zelda and Elvin were now on their feet.

"We gotta help!" Zelda said determinedly.


Both heroes took off to fight off separate creatures. 

Damn! How does she control all of these things at once?

Zelda thought this to herself as she finished off another beast. Hold on. Something caught her eye. It was by Viessa's feet. Black. Fluffly. A cat...



The power was coming from Harrium, but it's not the cat himself.

Zelda noticed a collar around the cat's neck with a pendant in the middle with purple smoke encircling inside of it.

The collar. That's it.

She lunged towards the cat with her sword only to be blocked by another beast.

"Ughh really?"

She faked out the giant oaf with a quick spin, which she then came from his blind spot and stabbed him through the chest. The beast dropped dead on the ground. Zelda continued to make her way towards the cat.

She was inches away from Harrium now, but also inches away from Viessa. She had to be careful. Slowly, she reached out to grab the cat, but he hopped away and she felt a hand forcefully grab her wrist.


Viessa's cold and evil hand gripped Zelda's wrist so tight that it started to go numb. 

"What were thinking of doing, Princess?!"

Her voice was shrilling and psychotic-sounding and she was panting heavily. Her other hand reached for her throat, letting go if her wrist, and threw her against a fallen stone, which was originally the outside wall of the castle. 


Zelda's pristine condition didn't last long. She coughed more blood up and her back was definitely broken. She was now unable to get up or move.

I...I can't...move anything...not one single muscle. My back...I really can't stand...

Four black clasps appeared around her wrists and her feet, locking her and binding her to the stone she was on. Viessa raised her glowing, purple sword above the helpless Zelda.

"Now you're really going to die!"

Zelda closed her eyes in fear.

Just do it already! I get it I lost!

"DIEDIEDIEDIEDIEDIE!" Viessa screeched.

At the moment she thought she would've gotten stabbed...well, she didn't expect it to be that...painless?

That can't be right. How am I not in pain?

She realized that she was able to open her eyes to which she did...

Am I .... alive?

...but what she saw once she opened her eyes was not a happy sight.

Two swords.

One of them struck through Viessa's lower abdomen, blood gushing out from her stomach onto the floor. And the other sword...


A/N: I know it's kinda sad and all, but I had planned this from the beginning. I didn;t mean to ruin your holiday vibes on purpose! But regardless of the emotional chapter, I hope you all have a good holiday/break and that you enjoyed the chapter, please comment and suggest things, and I'll see you in the next part bye luv ya!!! xoxoxopetite

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