The Truth Sets You Free

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Chapter 18


I opened the door, carefully shutting it behind me. I tiptoed down the hallway, nudging the door open quietly with my elbow. Drew had his back turned, strumming to his guitar, the combination of chords creating a melodic rythym.

"Hi!" I said, wrapping my arms around him from behind.

"Hey! Whattup!" He asked, turning around to face me.

"Is Wes okay, he's been acting weird." I inquired of him. He raised a brow.

"Not that I've noticed why?" He said, curious at the sudden turn in Wes' behaviour.

"I don't know." I replied, sitting back into the mattress.

"Well he's in his room, if you wanna go talk to him. He's asleep though.

"Okay." I said, accepting the information from Drew.

I knocked quietly and opened the door. Wesley's snoring confirmed Drew's assumption.

I tiptoed into his bedroom, slipping into the warm cofines of the blanket that engulfed Wes. I wrapped my arm around his torso, my front to his back. I could feel the heat radiating frim his body. Blowing at the hair at the back of his neck, I attempted at recieving any kind of reaction from Wes.

His arm had slightly tightened around mine. The involuntary movement had caught me off guard.

He stayed in his spot, his breathing as steady as when I walked in. I peered over to see any signs of him awakening, but to my discontent, he was fast asleep. I prodded my index at his cheek, in an attempt to recieve anything. Nothing

I leaned up on my elbow glancing over his shoulder to find a smile on his face. It brought a smile to mine at the sight of Wes, smiling whilst asleep.

"Wes..." I whispered just below his ear. I pressed my lips softly, recieving a disgruntled groan as he shifter towards the middle of the mattress. He pulled me closer, my wrist at his grasp.

"Babe... " I whispered across the skin of his shoulder, my bottom lips grazing his skin.

"Let's go do something." I said quietly, my desire not in level with his need to stay home, cooped up in his room.

He stirred slightly, a chuckle rumbling in his chest. His hand intertwined with mine, moving to fit comfortably between his abdomen and the mattress. 

"Whisper any more seductively and I might have you help me relieve myself." He said non-chalantly. 

"Oh my God Wes." I giggled, slapping his chest playfully. I resed my chin on his shoulder, glancing down at sleepy Wes.

"Fine, I'll be out in a minute." He said shortly, leaving a kiss to the back of my hand. I placed my lips softly into a kis at the point of his exposed shoulder of the tank top that adorned his torso.

"Mmkay," I mumbled into his skin before I parted.

I padded down the hall and lounged on the sofa of the living room. I scrolled through my phone, replying to a couplde of text messages. I heard the sound of footsteps moving across the floor.

Growing slightly impatient, I rolled onto my stomach, glancing down the hallway. The anticipation of Wes appearing at the end of the hall wearing high. I rolled back onto my back, my phone above my face and in the air. I tapped at the screen, checking through some apps.

"Okay, ready. We can go." He said, crouching down next to me.

I shut my eys quickly, my phone had falling, hitting my cheek before settling at my chest.

Runaway ✧ w. strombergWhere stories live. Discover now