Red Skies

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Red skies

authors note! To my family and friends (and all of my followers!) this is for you. Please comment and vote if you like Red skies, or if you have any ideas, this is my first story, so I also apologize for any grammar errors and or spelling errors found. Also please keep an open mind and heart. I hope you guys get sucked into reading it as I did creating it.

In immortality,



●○●○●○●Chapter 1 monster○●○●○●

Blood runs off the tips of his daggers as he draws them out of the empty corpse that lay before him.

He scoffed ,"Pitiful demon."

He lights a match stricking the pack quickly , the bulb becomes consumed in flames, a smile flickers over his face for a quick second as he lights his cigarette. "I wish you where more of a challenge, but sadly, you where just a poor excuse of a Vampyr, a mere waist of your kinds d.n.a."

He looks down at the dead vampire as its slowly collapsing, turning into dust and scoffs. "What a waste. " He turns around, sheathing his daggers, and flicks away the match, he knows that it wouldn't have been a challenge but he was still dissapointed.

Suddenly, a rutsling sound is heard. The man whirls to face the sound, calming effects of the nicotine in his system instantly replaced with adreneline as he pulled out his daggers. "Hey!" he shouted into the dark, "I know you're there, come out!"

The darkness remains silent, he approaches closer. The light of the lamp post flickering wildly as he nears the edge of the alley, " Alright, whoever you are you better be out here within the next five seconds or I start throwing sharp objects." He waits patiently, mentally counting down in his head. However, right when he reared his arm back in preparation he heard a bigger rutsle and a red blob came out of the shadows. he lowered his knives, still not sheathing them, and took a closer look. What he saw shocked him probably more than it should have.

A small, dainty red head child with gray eyes comes crawling out of the shadows, her hair longing over her shoulders with tears in her eyes. Her voice a mousey wisper "P-please dont h-hurt me."

He sighs and sheaths his daggers. Bending down to look at the child closer, his voice gravelly and stern, "What where you doing there?"

She struggles to speak but nothing will come out. He draws the dagger quickly to her throat and booms, "answer me, now!"

She shreaks and lays on her back, her words come out shrill and louder. "I- I'm sorry sir! I was following that lady, to, to tell her that, that she left her bag at the store yesterday when I , I saw her today, I reckognized h- her face sir, im s-sorry!!" Tears rush down her cheacks leaving a clean path, it was then he realized how dirty she was.

"Child, how long have you been out here?" "I..." everything falls silent. He puts in his daggers. "Did I scare you?"

Her face scrunched up trying to hold back tears. "Mhm.."

"I'm sorry child.. so.. how long have you been here?" My house burned down a while ago, my mom was ate by the fire.. and daddy was never around and m-"

"how long though?"

She bursts into a sobbing fit, and he cradles her close to him, rocking back and forth. "Do you want to come with me? You'll be safe."

She looks up at him, snott and tears drenching her face and shirt. "Mhm"

He picks her up gentally and walks her to his car, she starts screaming "No! No! No! No!" Mommy! Mommy! No!"

He looks her in the eyes, and their glazed over, she's having a flash back, it must of been about her mom and the fire.. He sits her down In the seat and buckles her in, still thrashing about.

She opens her mouth and her eyes roll inside of her head. Panic fills the Man. "What the hell?!" He vigorously shakes her. "Hey!"

She snaps out of it, "mommy?!"

"No, not mommy.. im sorry"


He doesn't reply, fumbling for his keys, he grabs them and starts the car. "Are you ready?"

She nodds, they begin to drive. "Thank you for saving me."

No reply from him. They reach his home and he stops the car, the lights shut off to his command and all goes dark.

"You can get yourself out, I'll meet you inside."He gets out of the car and begins to walk to the home, a dark grey sided house 3 stories with ivy growing up the side. And she too, tries getting out, slamming the door behind her.

She begins to sing as she walks toward the house, "London bridges falling down, falling down falling do-" a moan comes from close by and she quickly turns around. "Hello? " she stops walking and listens.

"Hurry up, your letting the cold air in kid!"

She turns around, keeping her head to the ground and begins to walk again." I... I thought I heard something though... I could of sworn I-" she bumps into something and looks up.

The thing staring back at her is a rotting man. His shirt tattered, hair in shreds, face decaying, one eye missing, the other completely white and milky, with litttle teath and half his jaw showing.

She screams and falls to the ground, the monster screaming out loudly one ow one syllable. She scrambles to get back up as it's going on its knees, chasing after her.

The man looks out the door , "Kid?!"

The little girl screams again, the monster on her, saliva drooping from its mouth.

He runs to the kid, monster ready to tear the ribs out of her, she screams louder due to pain, and thrashes her legs. The man pulls back the monster, gripping it by the back of the neck, it falls to the ground and he grabs his daggers and quicly jabs one in the monster's eye, then pulling it out, and stabbing it in the heart, ripping the chest, an he pulls the dagger down its torso.

It begins to nash its teeth and moan out, and just like that the man pushed the dagger up, and through the throat and jaw or the monster, then yells out "for Emma!!!"

The monster splits in half, blood dropping in large piles around them.

He gets up, rotten blood covers him and wakls to the little girl. "Get up. Your letting the cold air in the house I said." He smiled, extending a hand.

The girl grabs it, and they go inside. "W-who's Emma? " they close the door and walk into the living room.

"Emma was my wife, taken by monsters like the two we saw tonight." He paused in pain. "And meilinn was our daughter... she got taken away as well" He begins to cry, his nose snarled in disgust. "That's why I do it, thats why they must die. All of them dirty bastards! They all must die! They all must go to the hell on wich they on wich they came!!!"

Authors notes! Hey there! hope you enjoyed this!! Kota will come in next chapter. it should be done (hopefully) by monday, if you liked please follow and vote, and if you want to see something happen, or ever have any comments or concerns, please message me. I will respond as quickly as I can. :)

in immortality,

Ivoryecho ♡

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