chapter 18

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I fell asleep to the prominant sound of her heart beat. So beautiful. Its like the beeting of a drum. A steady pulse, Her chest slowly rising and falling.

A loud crashing came from the kitchen, my eyes opened and I felt the addrenelin cool down my body.

I looked back at Cassie, whom is still fast asleep, Then at my door.

I got up quietly, looking back again at her, nothing new.

I signed nervously as I went to turn the handle, I grabbed it. The feel of it was cold, too cold it felt like December..... wich is odd because Its fairly warm in my home.

The door knob twisted, I quickly backed up close to the bed, my fangs sinking through my gums, I hear what sounds like a car rubbing against a snow bank.

The door creaked open barely, I looked at it eyes wide in curiosity and frustration.

What was this thing?

I lifted myself up, I have to be brave.

I grabbed the side of the door and yanked it open, everything was dark.

I began walking down the hall slowly, my foot rubbing slightly on the carpet.

the pitch black, slowly turned to a verry dark grey, making it slightly more visible.

A pair of red glowing eyes stare at me from the banaster ending.

I froze unsure what to do.

Whatever it was screached lowly and crawled quickly up the side of the wall.

I watched it as it left, making strangly unpleasant sounds.

I comtinued walking forward with fear gnawling at every nook, every cranny, every inch of my body, my mind.. my soul.

The room was a light grey, was that smoke?

I am now entering the living room, where I see justin sitting on the floor, surrounded by them, the things with beety eyes, that now that I can see them look rather like spiders, 8 legs, rounded, lots of eyes, but they're spiked, and have big saber like teeth, chizzled like a saw.

"Justin, whats going on what are-" I lost my breath.

He stared over at me. His sharp, dagger like ice blue eyes where fully black, even the whites. His fangs sharper, and enlargened.

Justin's a vampire?

"Get out." his voice was strange. deep, rustic.

For the first time ever I actually saw him as a threat.

A loud but muffled scream pierced from down the hall.

I jolted back, listening into it further.

My voice a confused wisper. "Cassandrah...?"

It hit me just then, she's in danger because I left her there, in a place like this, where there are litteral monsters running about.

How stupid am I?!

I turned to talk to Justin again, but he was right there. In my face. Staring. Right. At. Me.

"Kota, ive changed my mind. In Fact, lets play a game or two."

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