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Authors notes!!! Hey guys!!! im sooo sorry I havent updated this story!!!!!

(Instead I've been really busy, but I'll be back gor a while :) )

So even I got kind of confused with what I was thinking on this story and I'll try to explain this book so far. (cant explain the jumps between chapters because I was being an irritating chapter maker, but I can explain whats happened so far.)

In the beginning it has a scene of a slayer that had just recently killed a vampyre (yes I know that can technically could be a spelling error, but I perfer it this way) in an alley way, when he hears a rustling; wich he later finds out is a rather dirty and malnourished red headed child with grey eyes (female) who he later finds is pretty truamatized from going through a fire and loosing her mother, and her father was never around so yes, she was an orphan. The slayer allows her to stay with him (to become a possible mentor OR for company reasons or both) and she excepts. Once they get to the house a zombie tries eating her, but (I'm just gunna call him Slayer) Slayer tears through the beast. in the heat of the moment he screams out "For Emma!" Wich you soon after find out is his wife who was taken away by the zombies, and he also reveales he had a daughter Meilinn that was also taken. (The cruel reality sets into your mind now that they are possibly still alive, but its an INCREDIBLY slim chance, like 1 in 100,000,000. (still a possibility though) But are probably dead due to the fact of-Well- You know- Zombies.)

Still pretty early in the book it describes the main charecter Kota Clearwater. (Not to be mixed with Dakota, it is actually Kota. this is pronounced Co-tah the O has a natral Oh sound, not an Oo.)Any who, he explains that he doesn't like the attention that his mixed eyes bring and he also mentions his mother and father wich both supposidly died in a house fire as well. (Maybe theres a connection, or maybe people just burn down houses a lot. Not sure wich.) Wich is where Aba comes in. In this chapter she is still new, so all it says is that she works at a hospital. But im gunna go a little more into detail here. Aba is his grandmother on his mothers side who deffinantly has a secret or two to hide you will later find out. she is the gaurdian of Kota and the gaurdian of Keno. Shes somewhere in her early 50's to late 40's and perfers to wear 50's clothing, her face is somewhat worn from age and stress of working in a hospital and of corse caring for two kids by herself. her hair is not entirely grey, but she does have some grey in her dark brown hair that only goes slightly past her chin. As you know know Kota is a Vampyre, and he says they're running/ran out of "Koolaid and packets."The Koolaid being a Red substance to hide the color of the packets; wich contains Blood- not powder so as he drinks it, people don't become scared. If you read the chapter also, you will find that there is also a "Self absorbed, literal jock" THAT would be Keno, Kota's older brother. Keno and Kota both like rock, metal and things of that musical nature. Wich is what Kota gets smacked into his face not literally when he tried (three times) to get his brother ready for school.

For chapter three, The boys are now walking to school and Kota notices the thick forestry of the woods on the opposite side of there intended path of travel, in wich he finds a rather "Magnetic pull" And starts to wander in torward it. Once Keno notices he ever so "Nicely" reminded him that he needed to stay on the side walk and not In the street. Finally they approach the school and yes, enter it. He describes how the school is and then goes to the office to grab a schedule. The receptionist asks him all the information and then prints out his copy of the schedule after he verified the information was correct. Kota looks then at his schedule but notices one thing that was odd. Who was his 7th hour teacher?

(Its almost three in the morning I hope you guys know how much I appriciate you because lemme tell ya, I am beat tired. after a day of school with TWO chemestry packets (3 pages and five pages) then English Report on The iriqouis people and there beliefs, THEN Algebra two class with three problems. that seems easy until you realize that the probs arnt just solve three and done, but the first one has twenty two problems, second has four probs and the third has four probs. thats a total of thirty problems in three-six only. =.= And my P.E class had a test today on how many pull up, sit up, crunches, and push ups you can do, then run for the rest of the period, I did all but the pull ups and running because I had surgery a while ago that wont allow me to do any physical activity (that im doing anyways because im VERY stubborn) for two more days. The rest of my day however was Okay. so yes. enjoy.)

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