Chapter 4

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Waking up to the pain in my back, I get up and walk to my desk. Finding the Advil I pop four into my mouth and swallow them. I make my way over to my mirror and look at my bruised back. The cuts hadn't opened last night but they were still very tender. I decided to put on a hoodie and a pair of sweat pants before making my way down stairs.

Walking down the stairs I could hear voices. I knew my dads and it brought a smile to my face. Jenny's sent a icy shiver down my spine causing my throat to go dry and stomach to drop. Walking into the kitchen I was greeted by my fathers warm eyes.

"How'd you sleep Lee?" He asked taking a long drinknof his dark roast coffee.

"I slept alright. How'd you sleep?" I asked getting a coffee cup from the counter. I could feel her stare on me as I made my coffee.

"I got maybe five hours." He said. Looking at him closer I could see her was exhausted.

"I'm sorry dad." I frowned knowing he hadn't slept well.

I sat there drinking my coffee as I watched Jenny talk about her plans to go shopping with some of her friends. My dad was always a good listener but I could tell he was beginning to doze off.

Ever since my mother died in the car crash about 8 years ago he hasn't been the same even with Jenny now. Jenny used to be really nice until my father would give me more attention then her. That's when the beatings began to happen. They just got worse as I got older.

She noticed that he was dozing off and she told him that he should go lay down for a bit. Of course he agreed and off he went to their room to try and get a few more hours of sleep.

Turning towards me, Jenny just stared at me. I began to feel uneasy under her stare so I got up and decided to get some stuff together for Lilly's party tonight. Thankfully she didn't follow me like she normal does. Packing some close, makeup, and my hair products I made my way back down the stairs.

I walked to my dads room and told him I was going to go to Lilly's early so I could help with some decorations. I kissed and hugged him bye. I toldbhin I would see him in the morning.

Before I was able to leave Jenny came over to me, grabbed my hair into a fist and pulled me close to her.

"Try not to be a little slut tonight. We wouldn't want your dad to get upset now, now would we?" She whispered coldly into my ear.

She smiled at me and let me go. I took that advantage and hauled ass out of there. I started my truck and left without looking back


"OMG Lee you look amazing!" Lilly practically screamed as I walked out of her bathroom in a pair of white skinny jeans, a nice black flowy shirt, and a pair of opened toe stilettos.

"It isn't to much?" I asked looking at myself in the mirror. I had but some gel in my hair to get my natural waves from freaking out to much and just a nice smokey eye.

"Are you kidding me?! You look hot!" She said again. Lilly has always told me that if I put more effort into how I looked that I would be the popular one out of the two.

I couldn't help buy laugh at Herr while looking at my self. I had texted Luke letting him know that Lilly was having a party and that he could come if he wanted to.

The people started coming in like waves during a tide. It was beginning to get really hot in the house so I went to go outside. I don't know how many drinks I'd had but I could feel the warming effects of the alcohol. Suddenly I felt a pair of hands go around my waist causing me to jump. Turning around I saw Luke standing there in a tight black v neck shirt and a light pair of blue jeans.

"You look beautiful Chloe." Is said with that ten million dollar smile that I couldn't get enough of.

"Thanks. You don't look to bad yourself." I said slurring a little.

He laughed a little and took my to sit down. Good things because I could feel myself swaying. We found a love seat that didn't have anyone on it. He sat me down nicely. He was still standing which made me confused.

"I'll be right back I'm gonna get you some water and me a drink." He said before leaving me alone.

I sat there for what felt like forever until I saw him walking back with some water and a red solo cup. He handed me the water and I took it thankfully.

"Thanks." I said still slurred.

"You're welcome." He said smiling at me and putting his arms around my shoulders. I could feel the warmth of him and I couldn't get enough of it. I snuggled closer into his side. I could feel my eyes getting heavier the longer we sat there. After awhile I finally let my eyes shut. Before I couldn't feel anything I felt the touch of warm soft lips on my forehead. It felt amazing. I let the abyss consume me shortly after.

Suddenly I woke up from a loud yell. I look up to see that the party is still going on. I tried to see what caused the yell but couldn't find anything. My side felt cold, looking over I saw that I was alone. Getting up I could feel my legs wobble a little. Trying to find Lilly without any luck I slowly mad emy way upstairs where I could sleep.

Walking into one of the bedrooms I plopped on the bed and let the softness of the bed and covers pull me into a darkness I never wanted to leave.


Waking up I made my way to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I could feel the bile rising in my throat and before I knew it I was puking up the contents of last night. After about 20 minutes my stomach had nothing left to puke up. I made my way downstairs , which was a disaster. Lilly was already starting to clean up when I walked into the kitchen.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." She said sounding a little hungover herself.

"Morning." I replied feeling like I was gonna be sick again.

I helped her with the house for a little before I had to head back to my house. After leaving her house it felt like it was taking a long time to get home. When I got there I noticed that my fathers car wasn't inthe driveway like normal.

Getting out of my truck I walked inside thinking I was home alone. Boy was I wrong. I felt this sharp pain across my stomach before not being able to breathe. Gasping for air I felt another hit to my abdomen.

"Bout time you got home you little skank!" She yelled at my hitting me with the aluminum bat.

She kept hitting me. I couldn't take the pain anymore. Slowly drifting into the dark.


OK what do you guys think!?! Hope you guys enjoy it!

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