Chapter 5

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Trying to control my breathing, it was getting harder and harder with the beating my wonderful step mother gave me. Pulling up my shirt I see black and purple bruises line all across my stomach. I had time to heal a little before I had to go back to school on Monday. Looking down at my phone I saw I had two new messages.


Hey sorry I didn't stay at the party last night. Had a family emergency.


Hey Chicky. Thanks for coming over last night and cleaning up with me this morning lol

I just swiped them away not wanting to talk to anyone. I just wanted to breathe but it felt like it was impossible.

I layed on my bed not moving. I knew the pain it would cause me if I did. I tried to sleep but failed miserably. That woman definitely knew how to hurt someone without thinking twice about it.

Finally I just decided to do some homework. I didn't realize what time it was when my father came up to my room.

"What ya up to?" He said surprising me.

"Just getting some homework done." I replied still focusing in my calculas.

"You gonna come down for dinner?" He asked looking a little concerned.

"Yeah, I'll be down when I finish this last problem." I told him looking up and smiling at him.

Finishing my last problem, I made my way down the stairs to the kitchen. I saw her sitting there eyeing me like a hawks eyes its dinner. I could feel her staring at me.

I sat there in silence and ate my food that she made. I didn't eat much but I ate enough for my father to not be worried.

"May I be excused?" I asked taking the last bite that I could handle.

Jenny just looked at me in disgust. I really don't understand her hatred for me.

"Yes you may." My father said to me smiling.

Taking my dish to the sink, I rinsed it off and put it in the washer. I went to grab my glass, but I begannto feel dizzy and light headed.

"Chloe are you OK?" I'm dad said with worry laced through his voice.

"I'm fine. Just light headed." I said. Taking a step forward, everything was going dark and I didn't understand why. Hitting the floor I could see my dad rushing over to me and my step mother just smiling.

I could hear the faint sound of my fathers voice but couldn't make out what he was saying. I heard the slamming of a car door. I didn't know where we were going, but I didn't really have much a say in the matter.

What felt like hours, we finally arrived at a hospital. My father carried me in like I was a fragile child. They immediately got me into a room and began asking my father and step mother questions.

After they did all the basic checks they took me to get a C.A.T scan. I was a little worried at what they might find.

It took about forty-five minutes to get the scan done. After returning to my room, not a couple minutes later the doctor came in to give us the news.

"Well she doesn't seem to have a concussion or anything, but I would like to keep her here over night for observation." The doctor told my father.

"OK that's fine. Just find out what's wrong with my baby girl." My father said with a tear in his eye.

"We will do out best. We are gonna run a few blood tests and take a few x-rays." The doctor replied.

Kissing my forehead goodbye, I watched my father leave. I took a sigh of relief once they were gone. I knew my step mother was going to be pissed when I got home tomorrow but she's probably the reason I'm in the hospital.

After running the blood tests and taking the x-rays, I later down in the hospital bed waiting for the doctor to come back in and give me my results.

After a few hours the doctor came. Back in and had a worried look on his face.

"Chloe do you know what rohypnol is?" He asked me.

"I'm sorry but I don't." I replied not knowing what it was.

"Well some people use it in peoples drinks on like dates. The affects of the drugs cause drowsyness and sometimes even people pass out. We found traces of it in your blood." He told me.

I didn't know what to say at this point. I knew who did it but I didn't think she would go that far with something like this. I just sat there in a daze.

"Also when we took your x-rays we noticed some bruised ribs. Is your home life ok?" He asked me with a worried look on his face.

I knew that my home life was not ok but I couldn't tell him that.

"Yeah its fine. I'm just really clumsy." I lied.

He looked at me for a little longer trying to see passed my lie but failed.

"Well we are gonna keep you over night just to make sure you're ok" he stated.

I nodded my head in understandment. He left me and all I could do was think about what happened. This women is going to be the death of me.

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