Chapter 9

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Waking up I could see the welts all over my legs. The bruising was an ugly black and purple that surrounded each welt as if it was protecting it. Getting out of bed slowly, walking felt like I was being stabbed with a million needles all through my legs. I just wanted to stay home and cry all day but I knew that I had to go. Taking a deep breath I walked over to my closet and picked out some clothes. Putting my jeans on made me want to scream in pain. Finally getting my jeans on I slipped into a hoodie and made my way to the bathroom to cover the bruising on my face the two nights ago.

Looking in the mirror, I notice that the bruising on my face and the swelling have gone down some but not enough. Covering my face in foundation and blending it in to make sure that no one could notice it too much. As I was making my way down the stairs I could hear my dad and Jenny talking.

"Nick you need to do something about her. She's not listening to me or respecting me." Jenny said in a hushed voice.

"Hun she's a teenager, she's at that point in her life where she is going to rebel against what you have to say and what I have to say. She is almost 18, you can't keep treating her like a little child anymore." My father said with a tone in his voice that would have made me shrink.

Without another word Jenny began to walk off into the living room. When she noticed me coming down the stairs, she gave me the nastiest glare I had ever seen. She hated it when my dad would back me up instead of her. This is why she hated me so much and just wanted me out of her life. I couldn't help but smile at that moment. When I walked into the kitchen, my dad already had my coffee waiting for me.

"Morning dad." I said as i slowly sat down not trying to wince as the fabric rubbed against my welted legs.

"Morning Lee. Could you do me a favor?" he said while still reading the morning paper.

"Sure thing." I told him taking a sip from my coffee that tasted like french vanilla and hazelnut.

"Try to listen to Jenny a little more. She thinks you aren't listening to her and it's kinda pissing her off." He told me now having his morning paper down on the kitchen table.

I just nodded my head and drank my coffee. She was doing this to try and push my dad and I farther apart. I know I was going to have to listen to her now or I would risk pushing my dad away. Thinking about this made my stomach roll in disgust.

Looking at my phone I saw that I needed to leave. Getting up I put my cup in the sink and rinsed it out. Walking over to my dad I gave him a giant hug and kiss on the cheek. Not knowing where Jenny was I just walked out of the house and right to my truck. Driving to school I couldn't stop thinking about how my dad was letting her get in between us. I could feel that familiar lump begin to form in my throat. My eyes stung with tears. No matter what I do she will always win.

Arriving at school I saw Luke and Lilly waiting for me. This brought a slight smile to my face but not one that would convince them that I was ok. Taking a few deep breaths and wiping my eyes clean of any tears. Turning the truck off and getting out slowly. I grunted when I set foot on the asphalt with a sharp pain shooting up my legs. Wincing slightly, I recovered quickly and made sure that no one saw the pain that I was going through. I began to walk towards Lilly and Luke when I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. Stopping for a second, I grabbed it and saw that I had a message from Jenny. Opening it and reading it, I wanted to just burst into tears right then and there.


I told you that I was going to turn him against you. Oh and thanks for saying goodbye this morning. When you get home watch your back.

I had to control the emotions flowing through my body. Anger, rage, sadness, fear, all these feelings and I didn't know what to do. As I began walking towards them again I put on my smile and acted as if I was ok. Once reaching them they both looked at me to make sure that I was ok. I tried my hardest to make sure I wasn't showing any emotion but happiness. They seemed to buy it causing me to release a sigh of relief silently.

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