Chapter 13

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"Lee you ok?" I heard my dad said while opening the door just enough for me to see his head.

"I'm fine just have a headache." I lied. Trying not to look at my dad, I just buried myself further into the safety of my blankets.

"Ok, just making sure. Are you sure that nothing happened while we were gone that might have you upset?"

"I'm sure dad. It's just been a long day and I'm gonna rest before I go and hang out with Lily and Luke."

He just nodded before leaving and shutting my door behind him. I don't know how long I laid there but I didn't want to move. The comfort of my bed held me like a cradled infant. I knew that sooner or later I was going to have to get ready. About ten minutes later I decided to get up. Walking to my closet, I grabbed a black long sleeve and a pair of light blue jeans. Grabbing one of the many scarfs that I have, I put it on. Just putting my hair in a messy bun and putting little makeup on, I was ready to go. Grabbing my phone and my keys, I was out of my room. Walking down the stairs, I came face to face with the demon herself. Trying to just go right past her, she stopped me and held me there for awhile.

"I just want you to know that if your father even begins to start questioning what happens here with just us two you will be gone in a heartbeat." She whispered her venom in my ear.

At this point I knew that she wasn't kidding. Just nodding, she gave me a wicked smile of approval. With that she let go and made her way up the stairs. Sighing in relief, I continued my way down to the living room. Coming in I saw Liam and my dad just sitting on the couch watching football. Walking over to my dad, I caught the eye of Liam just staring.

"I'll be back later on." I told my dad giving him a hug and kiss on the cheek before leaving.

Walking to the front door, I heard the sound of footsteps behind me. Turning around I was thinking that I was going to see Jenny but came face to face with Liam. A little confused, I stepped back slightly.

"Where are you going?" He asked as if I wasn't supposed to go out or even leave my room.

"Out with my best friend and boyfriend." I stated crossing my arms over my chest.

"Just be careful with your stomach right now." He said with a look in his eyes that made me feel a little guilty for snapping.

"I'll be fine. They aren't going to do anything to me. I just need out of the house." I said still standing with my arms folded.

"Well at least let me come with you, incase your stomach isn't feeling well." He said to where my dad wouldn't get suspicious.

"Liam thank you but really I'm fine. I don't need you to come with me. Just enjoy your time with your mom and my dad before you go back to college." I told him trying to convince him to just stay home.

He was reluctant at first but finally gave me an unexpected hug and walked back into the living room. Just standing there for a second, I shook the confusion out of my head and just walked out the door. Walking towards my truck, I got in and started it. The air outside was fresh and crisp making me smile. Snow would be coming soon but for now the trees were shedding and preparing for winter. Putting my truck into drive, I began to drive to my favorite spot where Lilly and Luke would be waiting for me. I couldn't wait to see them. Just thinking about them made me smile like a fool. After a few minutes, I arrived at my destination and saw the two most amazing people in my life sitting there waiting for me.

Shutting my truck off, I opened the door and got out. The slight pain from my legs was beginning to go away but was now replaced with a burning pain from the cuts on my stomach. Taking in a sharp breath, I could feel some of them begin to try and open. Regaining my composure, I began to walk over to them. The smiles on the their faces made me smile as well. Lilly began running towards me and I braced myself. With one swift motion she had me in her arms, bodies pressed together and my stomach was on fire. Trying to keep my cool, I shut my eyes and clenched my teeth. I knew she felt that because she instantly pulled herself away from me and just looked at me with horror.

"What did she do to you Lee?" She asked taking my hands in her larger ones.

"Nothing I'm still sore from the ones on my back." I lied not wanting her to freak out about all the cuts on my stomach.

She just looked at me and began to open her mouth to argue but shut it quickly. I knew she didn't believe me but I couldn't tell her. It was killing me not being able to say anything to her but I didn't want to ruin my dad's happiness.

She just looked at me with sorrow in her eyes and I had to look away. Luke was just standing there with his head hung low, acting as if he already knew what she had done to me. Walking over to him, I put my hand under his chin and lifted his head up so he was looking in my eyes. The look he gave me was pure sadness. I didn't understand why he was so sad. He didn't even know what she had done.

I was confused by his actions and his body language. Still holding his stare, I tried to understand what he was thinking. I couldn't figure out what his deal was. Giving up trying, I went to sit down. I tried to act as normal as I could and keep up with this double life that I have created but it was crumbling down around me. Sitting down on the cold bench, I just put my head down on the table and just sat there. My thoughts were going everywhere and I couldn't handle them any longer. I broke down once again and there was nothing that was holding me back from it. The next thing I knew, Luke and Lily were next to me as I cried away everything that had happened to me.

They just sat there as I sobbed. Both of their arms were around me protecting me while I let everything go. After a while, the tears stopped and all that was left were my puffy red rimmed eyes.

"I'm so sorry guys." I said as my voice cracked from all the crying I had done. "You guys don't deserve this."

"Lee, I've been your best friend for I don't know how long and I want to be here for you no matter what." Lily said while still holding me.

I gave her a weak smile and hugged her. The pain and stinging from the cuts began and I didn't care. A few moments later we let go of each other and I looked over to Luke, who hadn't said a word the entire time. He just looked at me and I could feel his pity for me. I didn't want him to have to feel this way. Holding his hands, he just looked down at them.

"Luke what's wrong?" I asked concerned about what was going on in his mind.

He just sat there silently, not moving a muscle. Lily and I both looked at each other in utter confusion. As I looked back to him, I could see his eyes closed and his breathing had become more rapid. I wanted to just hold him and for him to tell me what was bothering him so bad. Yet he refused to open up to me like I had for him. We have only known each other for a semester but I have never felt so close to someone other than Lily. I could feel my heart begin to pick up pace and my throat went dry.

With one squeeze of his hands, he let go and began walking to his truck. I just sat there dazed and confused by his actions. I didn't know if I should go after him or let him walk away. My stomach began to roll and I felt like I was going to be sick. Standing up, I turned towards him.

"Luke!" I yelled from across the sea of brown.

All he did was kept walking. I didn't understand any of this. I could feel my heart shattering as he walked further and further away from me. He just kept walking not turning around once. The pain that I was feeling was nothing compared to what Jenny has done to me. I could feel this deep down, with everything that I had. One of the best things that had ever happened to me was just walking away from me and there wasn't a thing that I could do about it.

Sitting back down, I could feel myself beginning to shut down. Lily was just as confused as I was. She held me while I just stared at the naked trees. Hearing his truck start and driving away was what killed me the most. He hadn't said a word the whole time and was now leaving me, broken. I just wanted to scream but my mouth wouldn't open. I could feel my body begin to shake and Lily just held me closer.

"I'm so sorry Lee, I didn't think that this would have happened." She said while rubbing my back to try and soothe me.

I just sat there in complete shock. I had no idea what had just happened. The pain from my heart was unbearable. I would take one of Jenny's beating any day of the week over this. I was so thankful for Lily it was unbelievable. She was my rock through everything and I know she won't abandon me. The thought of all this sent me into a spiral of emotions. Everything was just coming down on me and I just sank into my mind and let everything fall away from me. 

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