Chapter 19

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The music was so calming that I forgot that I was even upset about what my dad and I had talked about. It made me feel a little better about everything that was going on. I knew that I couldn't listen to music every second of every day but I just wanted it to caress me and tell me that everything was going to be ok. Letting it move me, I could feel myself begin to feel less angry with everything and more peaceful.

As I listened to the music, I could see the white fluffy snow falling almost to the beat of the soft music. Watching the snow and listening to the music, I could feel myself begin to feel completely relaxed. The pounding in my head seemed to drift away along with the pain from my ribs. Listening to the music, I could feel my eyes begin to get heavier and heavier. Letting myself drift into a wonderful night's rest.


My alarm was going off non stop and the pounding in my head had began again. Shutting the alarm off, I got up and winced as the pain from my ribs caused my short of breath. Making my way over to the mirror, I saw that some of the swelling had gone down some but not much. Wiping off the concealer from yesterday, I added a fresh layer on. Trying to cover the bruises as much as I could, I turned away from the mirror and went to my closet.

Deciding to to a lazy day, I put on some sweats and a sweater leaving my hair in the messy bun that I had fallen asleep in. Grabbing a pair of converses, I put them on and made my way down the stairs to get some coffee before I headed to school. Grabbing my coffee cup, I poured my coffee and walked to the door. Seeing all the snow when I opened the door made me smile a little. As I walked to my truck, I noticed that it was still snowing a little. Putting my face to the sky, I let the snow hit my face.

Getting into my truck, I started it and turned on the heater full blast along with my seat warmers. The drive to school wasn't as bad as it has been the past couple of days. The white powder seemed to have a peaceful hold on me. As I pulled into the school parking lot my smile left as I saw Luke and Lily standing there once again waiting for me.

Getting out, I grabbed my coffee and began walking to the doors not paying any attention to either one of them. I couldn't look at them because I couldn't stand the way they always seemed to pull me in. Walking past them, I kept my head up and walked right to my locker. Once there I hurriedly opened it and went to my first class.

Taking a deep breath, I got my supplies and sat there while the teacher was preparing for that day's lesson. As I listened to the lecture I couldn't help but stare out the window. As the class went on I could feel myself begin to calm down and actually feel somewhat happy. This time of year always seemed to bring out the smile in me.

Having once again been in my thoughts, when the bell rang it scared me. Getting up, I began to head to my next class. Once in the there I noticed that Luke had already beaten me there. Sitting down, I could feel his stare on me and it gave me the shivers. I tried so hard that entire class to stay focused but my mind kept wondering and thinking about him. By the end of that period I had no idea what my teacher had said. Gathering all of my things for my next class, I felt a hand grab my forearm. Looking up, I saw that it was Luke trying to drag me into a different direction from my next class. Shaking my arm, I could already begin to feel the pain from my ribs begin to burn through my entire body.

"What the hell are you doing Luke?" I yelled trying to get my arm out of his vise like grip.

"I don't care how mad you are at us but you need to listen." He said dragging me to the stairs.

"I don't want to listen to anything you have to say. You hurt me in a way that I can't even describe and then Lily goes and hangs around you after all that you did. Yeah no I don't want to listen to your little talk." I said trying to keep myself from bursting out of my skin.

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