Chapter 18

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Waking up, I hadn't noticed that I had fallen into a deep slumber. I could feel my body was tense and didn't want to move but I had no choice. Slowly making my way off of my bed, I carefully walked over to my mirror. My face was covered in bruises that had swollen overnight. Lifting my shirt, I could see where she had kicked me one last time before she got off of me. I could feel the pounding of my heart all the way into my head as the migraine just got worse.

Walking to the bathroom, I could hear Jenny and my father talking once again but I didn't want to know what they were talking about. I'm pretty sure I already know but I didn't want to watch her or hear her turn my own father against me. I tried to open the door into the bathroom but it was locked. Turning around to head back to my room, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Trying to hurry and get to my room, I felt a tap on my shoulder from a very familiar hand. I didn't want to turn around to face my father but I knew he was going to want to look me in the eyes and talk to me about god knows what.

"Chloe we really need to talk about this uncontrollable behavior that you have been showing Jenny these past couple of month." He said in a stern voice.

"We will dad but I don't really feel like talking about it right now. Ok? I just need to get ready for school." That was all I said as I walked into my room and shut the door.

She was turning everyone against me and there wasn't a damn thing that I could do about it. I wanted everything back to normal when I still had my best friend and when Luke was still in my life. Thinking about those two just made my head so much worse. Opening the advil, I took five all at once to try and keep the migraine at an easy headache. Looking in the mirror, I knew that I was going to have to cover all these bruises up. Taking out my foundation, I began to layer it on without it looking overly bad. There wasn't much that I could do about the swelling.

Getting dressed, I put on a big hoodie and a pair of light blue jeans. Walking down the stairs, I could hear Liam and my dad talking. Walking into the kitchen they both stopped talking and just watched me. Making my way over to the coffee pot, I grabbed one of the portable coffee mugs and made my coffee. Grabbing a power bar, I walked to the door and just left without saying a word. It had began to snow and I knew that Christmas break was only a couple weeks away.

Getting in my truck, I turned it on and made my way to the school in silence. The pounding in my head had eased some but not enough for me to not notice it. Driving was a hard thing to do when my head wouldn't quit pounding. I knew that I was almost to the school but I couldn't handle to pain going on in my head. The advil hadn't kicked in yet and I was praying that soon it would. As I pulled into my spot, I could see Lily and Luke waiting for me. I had no desire to talk to them today at all. Turning my truck off and grabbing my coffee, I shut it off and got out. Making my way towards the school, I could tell that they knew that something was off about me.

Walking past them both, I caught a glance at their shocked faces. I knew that they could see the swelling but I didn't want them to know what had happened. After all they were no longer my friends do to Jenny. As I made my way to my locker I knew that they were right behind me. Turning around, I could see the dark circles under both of their eyes. I knew they were going to ask question and I didn't want to answer them. Before one of them could even get a word out, I slammed my locked closed and went straight to my first period class. I didn't dare look behind me because I didn't want to see their sorrow filled faces looking after me.

As the tardy bell rang, I sat and listened to my history teacher lecture us about World War II. I was beginning to stare out the window, looking at the peaceful snow fall and hit the ground sticking. The sight of the snow brought a small smile on my face but it was immediately gone when the pain began to burn across my entire face. Looking away from the window, I listened to the rest of the lecture before the bell rang.

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