Chapter 12

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Walking down the stairs, I saw that Liam was up and already making coffee. Trying not to make any eye contact as I made my way into the kitchen, I went to the cupboard and grabbed a bowl from some cereal. I grabbed the box of cereal and went to my usual spot in the dining room. Shortly after I had already sat down, Liam was walking towards me with two cups in hand. Looking up at him, he handed me a cup and reluctantly I took it. Looking in it I was trying to decided if it was safe to drink or not.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything to you drink." Liam stated as he sat down across the table from me.

"I don't know about that." I mumbled under my breath.

"So how are things here?" He asked taking a long drink of his coffee before setting it down on the oka finished table.

"Same as they were when you left for college." I said looking him dead in the eye.

He just looked at me like he had seen a ghost. Every now and then when Liam lived here, Jenny would have him hold me down while she beat me. I know towards the end of his time living in the house he tried many ways to get out of doing it but he obeyed his mother and did it anyway.

"You know I never wanted to hurt you." He stated taking another long drink of his coffee.

"Yeah well I still was and you were apart of it." I said while getting up and walking towards the kitchen in the heat of anger.

I knew he didn't mean to hurt me, but I still couldn't find it in myself to forgive him. He could have said something early on and I wouldn't have to live like this. Constant fear of making one wrong move and getting a punishment not equal to the thing done. I began shaking with anger and I couldn't keep the tears from running down my face. Not being able to handle this sudden burst of emotion, I stomped up the stairs and while on my way to my room Jenny was on her way down. I couldn't help but glare at her with all of my emotions into one single look. At this point I really didn't care what would happen to me, I just wanted to be alone for the time being.

Putting on some running clothes, I walked out of my room and headed down the stairs. Before I could make it to the front door Jenny caught me by the wrist. Spinning me around to look into her eyes, I could feel the anger begin to build inside myself. I didn't know where it was coming from but I felt it deep in the pit of my stomach.

"If you ever glare at me again, you are going to be in a world of hurt." she hissed through her clenched teeth.

I just stared at her, looking into those dark pits in her skull. My emotions began to swirl in a mixture of hate and fear. I had to get out of there before I did something stupid. Ripping my wrist away from her, I gave her one last look and then just walked away. Walking out of the house, I plugged my headphones in and began my run. I could feel my legs burning as my muscles tightened. My lungs began to burn as I pushed myself harder and faster. My mind was clouding my vision and I didn't care where I was going.

My heart was racing and the thumping was ringing in my ears. My breath was short and rapid. After what felt like a couple of minutes, I had to stop and give my body time to catch up. When I looked around, I realized that I was at my favorite park. Walking over to my spot I sat down and just stared into the abyss, letting my mind go wherever it wanted to. The thoughts began to flood my mind and I let them. Thoughts of Luke and Lilly, Jenny torturing me, my dad not noticing anything that's going on around him and finally myself lying still peacefully. These were the thoughts that haunted my dreams and kept me up most of the night when I just wanted to sleep.

Thinking all of this I couldn't help but tear up. Silently the tears rolled down my face and I let them. Calming myself down, I stood up and began to pump my legs once again. I began to push myself to places that I've never pushed myself before. Letting my mind take over, I was running and feeling free. Out here I didn't have to worry if I did something wrong, I just had to push myself because I want to push myself. Slowing down, I looked at what time it was. Seeing that it was 1:27, I decided to head back to the house. At a slow job it only took me about twenty minutes to make it. Walking through the front door, I was greeted with something smacking me hard in the face. Immediately I collapsed to the floor. Before I could even get up someone was on top of me.

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