Chapter 14

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Laying on my bed, I heard a knock on my door. I didn't move or even try to answer. Liam opened my door and began walking towards me. I didn't even care, I just wanted to disappear from this awful place, but I knew that even if I did that it wouldn't change the pain I felt deep within my chest. Feeling my bed dip a little, I knew that Liam had sat next to me. Not looking at him, I could already tell that he was going to ask me what was bothering me. My voice was just stuck in my throat, not wanting to be heard. Staring at my wall, my eyes had begun to get heavy but I fought them will everything that I had.

"Lee I know something is bothering you. You haven't come out of your room since yesterday afternoon. What's going on." He asked as if he was really concerned. For some reason this made my entire body shake in rage.

"You don't care what's wrong! You don't care about anything but yourself and your mother! I bet seeing me like this makes you happy!" I yelled at him trying to control my anger.

"You think I enjoy this?" He asked taken back at my sudden outrage towards him.

All I did was nod. I didn't have any more words left to say at this point. With that he got up and left my room. After a while longer, I got up and decided that I should probably get some of my homework done before school tomorrow. Grabbing my bag, I sprawled everything on my bed and began a long night of working and studying. Not realizing what time it was, I got up and went to take a shower. While opening the door, I noticed that there weren't any lights on in the entire house. Turning around to look at my alarm clock, I saw that it was 11:17. Quietly walking, I made my way to the bathroom and started the shower. Getting in I just let the steaming hot water run against my back, letting it soothe me.

Once I felt like I couldn't stand anymore, I got out and dried myself off. Walking back to my room, I felt like I was being watched. Stopping in the hall, I looked around and found nothing but a dark hallway. Shrugging it off, I made my hair to my room. Deciding to just put on a hoodie and some sweats, I crawled into the plush covers and closed my eyes drifting into sleep.

Running. I could feel my muscles burning and my feet stinging as I ran through the forest. Glancing back I could see the dangerous eyes that followed me. Pushing myself harder and faster, my legs began to give out. Stopping for just a second, I looked around and saw nothing around me. The eyes seemed to vanish in mid air and the night was eerily quiet. Sitting down on a stump, I rubbed my feet as they pounded and ached. Hearing a twig snap, I turned around and looked to see what was around me. Before I could turn, hands grabbed me and smashed me to the ground.

Trying to free myself, I kicked and screamed but couldn't seem to get free. The hands began to move closer to my neck. They were cold and deadly. They entwined around my neck and began to squeeze. Gasping for air, I was getting light headed. Just before I felt like I couldn't keep my eyes open the hands would just let go. Coughing and wheezing, I tried to suck in as much air as I could. A sharp pain began to creep up my arm, trying to find the source the hands were back around my neck but harder this time. I could feel my life slipping away from me. Slipping into the darkness, my heart was slowing down and my breathing was no more.

Coughing and gagging, I reached for my neck but found nothing there. The nightmare had felt so real and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Looking at the clock in my room, it was time for me to get ready for school. Getting out of the comfort of my bed, I made it to my closet and picked out a hoodie and a pair of jeans. I walked over to my mirror and just brushed my hair, putting it in a ponytail. I didn't bother with any makeup because the bruising was finally gone. I made my way down the stairs and saw that my dad was sitting in his normal spot. Grabbing my own cup of coffee, I walked over to him and sat next to him. He didn't say anything, making me feeling uncomfortable. Rinsing my cup out, I just decided to go to school.

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