Chapter 24

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As I walked back to my room, Liam was coming up the stairs. I had no doubt that he could tell that I had been crying. The red and puffy rimmed eyes pretty much gave it away. The look he gave me feel like I was going to dry again. Not being able to stand him looking at me like that, I just turned and walked back to my room. Before I was able to shut the door, he was standing there begging me with his eyes to tell me what was bothering me so much. Walking over I sat on my bed and looked at the floor while he shut my bedroom door.

"Why can't I just be normal and live a normal life?" I asked feeling the tears begin to form again.

"What do you mean by normal?" He asked looking confused by what I was trying to say.

"I just want to be like most girl. Most girls don't have the scars that I do. They don't have to watch what they do because they don't get punished. They don't have to cower in fear because they did something wrong by accident. Why does my life have to be so messed up?" I said now crying once again.

"You know what those girls aren't as strong and beautiful as you are. You have an amazing personality. You care for people in way that I haven't seen. You give people chances who don't deserve them. There is nothing wrong with you. It's not you that beats you. Ok? Just remember that you will always have someone here for you no matter what the situation is." He said looking down at me with a sincere smile on his face.

I tried to smile but the tears and the hurt that I was feeling was making it really difficult to do. I wanted to be happy and enjoy life but it seemed like that was just a fairytale and I was living in a nightmare. I felt his arms come around me and I just lost it once again. I tried to be the strong person that everyone thought that I was but I was losing this battle. He held me while I just cried and let everything go.

He whispered sweet nothings into my ear to try and soothe me. They helped alittle but I couldn't help think that even when I do leave this hell hole my life would never be normal. I would always cower in fear of something. When I finally began to calm down, Liam continued to rub my back, soothing my trembles. Sitting up I looked at him and gave him a giant hug.

"Thank you. This meant a lot to just let go." I whispered into his ear as he held me.

"I told you that I was going to be here for you no matter what. Including cry sessions like these." He told me while pulling back giggling a little.

I had to giggle at his sense of humor. Giving him one last hug, I laid down. I hadn't realized how tired I was until I finally stopped crying. Liam covered me up and I closed my eyes. I knew that it wouldn't be long before I fell asleep. Before Liam left he kissed my head and walked towards the door.

"Goodnight little Lee. If you need me don't hesitate to knock on my door." He said smiling before he shut my door.

Rolling over I closed my eyes and let my mind shut down.

Waking up, I could barely swallow. The soreness in my throat was killing me and i could barely breathe. Walking down the stairs, I found my dad sitting in his spot reading the paper. Sitting next to him, he put the paper down and looked at me in shock.

"Lee are you feeling well?" He asked me putting the back of his hand against my forehead.

"Honestly I feel like I was just hit by a double decker bus." I said trying to breath through my nose.

"Why don't you go back upstairs and lay down. You can just stay home today. I'm sure Liam wouldn't mind watching over you today." he said grabbing his phone to call the school.

Nodding my head, I got up and made my way back to the stairs. Half way up them I came face to face with Jenny. When she saw me she looked at me in disgust. Not saying anything she just kept walking down to the kitchen. Shaking my head, I continued up the stairs almost running into Liam. He grabbed my shoulders to stabilize me and then looked at me.

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