Chapter 23

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I stayed in my room for the majority of day not really wanting anything awkward between Liam and I. The only time I really came out if my room was to eat something or use the restroom. While I was down stairs I didn't really see Liam down there. I think he had the same idea as I did. The rest of the day, I worked on some art when I heard a knock on my door. Setting down my pencil and paper, I got up and opened the door.

"Hey I know we are I some weird terms right now but I just want you to know how sorry I am for what happened this morning." He said looking down and playing with his hands again.

"It's ok. I think it's because we were both upset and we just needed some comfort." I told him lift his head and looking into his eyes.

" I just don't want thing to be weird with us because we are regaining a really good relationship." He said grabbing my hand.

I smiled at him and just gave him a generous hug. He held me for awhile before letting me go. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and headed back down the stairs. Walking back into my room, I picked up my paper and realized what I had been drawing. Looking down at those piercing eyes, I saw that I had drawn Liam. Ripping up the paper, I threw it in the trash and just sat on my bed.

I couldn't stop think about Liam kissing me and what happened. It just kept running through my mind like it was on repeat. The way his mouth moved against mine and they way my body reacted to his. I hadn't realized that I had began tugging on my bottom lip. Mind began to go to Luke's lips pressed against mine and the way I missed him. My mind was pounding at the rate it was going and I didn't know who I wanted to go to. I missed someone who hurt me and I wanted someone whose mother was bound to get rid of me.

Laying down, I began to think of all the possible outcomes that could happen. With Luke, I was never really ever going to trust him for what he did and I didn't know if he was going to keep tabs on me for Jenny. For Liam it was strange because he is my step brother and he did hurt me when I was younger even though I know he didn't want to. My mind was just spinning out of control and it was pounding. Getting up, I walked over to my desk and grabbed my advil popping six more in my mouth swallowing them. Sighing, I went back over to my bed and just sat there. Trying to forget the events of the past 24 hours was taking a toll on me and all I wanted to do was sleep. Leaning back, I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. Taking deep breaths, I began to get sleepy.


The air was being sucked out of me from somewhere and I didn't know what it was. I tried to suck in air but it was forced out of me the second I even got a chance to. Finally I was able to take in a deep breath. I began coughing and wheezing as I inhaled as much air as I could, I looked around trying to gather my surrounding. I could see this machine in the corner, along with a table full of these random surgical tools. Hearing a door open, I began to scream trying to get someone to hear me. All that came out of that was this sinister laugh coming towards me. I struggled trying to get out of the restraints holding me. Failing I just laid there waiting for something to happen.

Feeling cold hands against my bare skin, I shivered trying to skoot away from whoever was touching me. I tried to scream again, but was shut up with something shoved down my throat. Trying to cough it up, I failed and just gagged on it. I could feel my heart beating faster and faster by the second as the cold metal was running against my skin. The tears began to slide down my cheek and the sinister laugh continued as the scalpel pierced my skin. The cut felt like it was never going to end as it went all the way from one side of my stomach to the other.

"I just need to make sure that everything is running right in your body." The familiar voice said laughing.

That cold hand dug into my stomach and began digging around squeezing everything it could get ahold of. I tried to scream but was still muffled by the gag. The pain was nothing that I have ever felt before and the blood was just pouring out of me. My body began to shake and my heart rate was getting to a very dangerous pace. Breathing became more difficult and it hurt to even move. I began to fade into a dark place letting it consume me.

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