Chapter 11

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Waking up I saw that it was only 3:17 in the morning. Slowly getting up avoid anything that would touch my legs, I walked to the bathroom and got a glass of water. Sipping on it slowly, I just took a big breath. Looking in the mirror my eyes were all puffy from all the crying I had done. Turning away from the mirror, I just sat down and rocked. The emotions were all coming back again. The hatred, anger, sadness, and depression was coming in like a pack of wolfs on a kill. I didn't know how to control them without losing my mind.

I decided to get up and head back to my room. When walking I heard some footsteps behind me. Turning around I noticed that my dad was coming out of his room. Stopping in my tracks I watched him not even glance over in my direction. Confused I began to follow him downstairs. When I stepped on the bottom stair it made this sound that I was sure he would have turned around to see who was there. Trying to see if he would look I stretched my neck as far as I could and say that he hadn't even turned around. Walking up to him I noticed that his eyes were barely open. It was as if he was asleep. Shaking his shoulder slightly he kinda stirred a little. Looking confused as to why he was downstairs he just shook his head.

"Lee what are you doing down here?" He asked as if he had caught me sneaking around.

"Dad you were sleepwalking or something." I told him still not sure if he had been sleepwalking or he just hadn't heard me following him.

"Oh," he said confused, " why don't we both head back to bed?" he asked with a tiredness to his voice.

Nodding I followed him up the stairs and turned the opposite way to go to my room. Laying back down, I could feel the heat coming off of my legs. Shifting slightly on my bed, I reached over to my nightstand to grab my phone. Turning it back on I saw that I had multiple messages from both Luke and Lilly. Opening my lockscreen I decided to read Lilly's first.


Hope you are feeling better.

Why aren't you texting me back?!

Ok Lee I'm starting to get worried. Please text me back.

I'm just going to assume you fell asleep. You better text me when you wake up.

I couldn't help but smile. I knew she cared for me but I couldn't help but also feel bad for her having to check on me all the time. This made me drop my smile. After reading her messages, I decided that I should probably read Lukes.


Hey beautiful, I know you aren't feeling well but I just want to let you know that you still look amazing even sick.

Chloe you are starting to worry Lilly please text one of us back.

Ok I don't know what's going on but you are really starting to scare us. Please just text us back so that we know you are ok.

I tried to keep the tears from coming but couldn't. I hated the fact that they spent their days worrying about me. I knew that they cared but this was going to eat them alive. Always checking on me and trying to make sure that I'm ok. I didn't want to push them away but I knew that I had to do something. They didn't deserve this.

Opening my phone back up I decided to text them both back. I knew I had to be convincing enough but not overly convincing. Putting both of theirs names in the new message I began to type my message.

Hey guys, I just wanted to say I'm sorry I didn't text either of you. I shut my phone off and passed out pretty early. I am feeling a little better today but I am ok.

Sending the message I couldn't help to think to myself that I hoped that they would believe it. Putting my phone back on my dresser, carefully rolling over I stretched my legs slowly. The pain began to come in a little at a time but once my legs were fully outstretched I could feel the intense pain from the lashes. Curling my legs back into the position that they were in before, I slowly began to drift back to sleep.

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