Chapter 37

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After lunch, we quietly walked towards the bakery. On the way, Ted pointed out some tourist points which were indeed beautiful and mostly consisted of monuments covered in snow.

We arrived at the bakery and it looked so plush and modern. The bakery was flooded with lights and the room which accomodated many locals was neat and clean. The room smelled of chocolate and my eyes were immediately drawn to the pastries. They looked so delicious and I couldn't stop salivating.

I met Ted's grandma and we exchanged greetings. She was quite busy with the customers, still we had a little chat over cup of tea and muffins and pastries. Ted was silent the entire time. He didn't seem interested in our conversation and eventually after some time, Ted dragged me out of the bakery and Grandma too got busy with her work.

"Your bakery is heaven," I said and moaned in satisfaction.

"I'm suprised, you eat too much for a girl," Ted said and I punched his stomach. He groaned.

"You're such a sexist, Ted - "

"Now don't give me a lecture about feminism. I'm sorry that your appetite is too large for a human. We have to go since it's evening already," Ted said and I walked ahead. I crossed my arms and stood rooted in my spot.

"What? Can't you walk?"

"I want to see more! I didn't even click any pictures except for the pastries. I want to see polar bears and - "

"Wait, you don't expect a polar bear to walk around here only because it's close to the north pole, do you?" Ted asked in astonishment and I lowered my head in embarrassment. I was always so curious about the Scandanavian countries and I assumed about the polar bears walking around coolly stuff.

Ted shook his head in disbelief and grabbed my arm. He tightened his hold and dragged me while I struggled to free his grip on me. I ranted about how dominating he was and how cruelly he was treating me, a woman.


"Abby baby, you are so - "

"Oblivious and innocent that you don't understand that this fucking weirdo is flirting with you," Ted cut off Bobby. Bobby pouted and looked so adorable.

"Ted, that's rude. He's just being nice and making me comfortable," I said and smiled at Bobby. He giggled like a teen girl and I couldn't wipe out the huge smile plastered on my face.

Ted's friends included Bobby, Ross and Rachael who were the ultimate couple, Nick and Joe. All his friends were so welcoming, especially Bobby. He didn't seem to leave my side at all and I couldn't stop laughing or smiling at his antics.

It was also good to have Rachael around since I wouldn't be comfortable around a group of guys.

"You're so lucky Abby baby. I just got a phone call that there is something exciting near our camp site!" Bobby exclaimed and clapped his hands. He looked so thrilled and excited, his eyes twinkled like the stars above.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"You'll know there, Abby baby."

"What's up with the nickname, huh? It sounds poetic crap to me," Ted sneered and I rolled my eyes.

"You call me 'girl' which isn't any better either," I said. "Also, I like Abby Baby."

Bobby grinned and Ted scoffed. Bobby interlinked my arms with his and we both giggled. He whispered to me deliberately to annoy Ted. Ted's friends laughed too and told Ted to chill out. Bobby couldn't contain his excitement as he described the beauty of our campsite. What was the suprise that Bobby was talking about?

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