The Assignment

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This is my second Castle fanfiction.This story has been living in my head since season 2.I know,I can't believe it took me this long to start writing this.Just warning you I'm not good with details,so don't expect much detail.Anyway,hope you like it.Enjoy~

Kate is doing paperwork while and Castle is out of town.He has a book signing and party to attend but he'll be back in two days.Then Roy comes out from his office and says "Detective Beckett,can I see you and Detective Esposito in my office?"."Ok sir.Let me just go get Espo from the break room" Becket says as she heads to the break room.In there she sees Ryan making a cup of coffee while Esposito is drinking his coffee."Espo,captain wants to see us in his office now" Kate says to Esposito."Ok" he says as he tosses the rest of the coffee in the sink then heads to the captain's office with Beckett.

She knocks on the door then they hear Roy say "Come in"."You want to see us sir?" Beckett ask as Esposito closes the door behind them."Yes,I want you two to go undercover as a married couple to catch a murderer" Roy says as he leans on his table."Ok but why him?" Beckett ask."Why not?" Roy ask her back while shrugging."She's like a sister to me.It's gonna feel like I married my sister....eww" Esposito says.Roy rolls his eyes then says "Don't act like you've never dated each other before.I'm your captain so I know your past"."Ok sir.So when do we start?" Beckett ask."Tomorrow you two are going to a small town and it might take longer then just a few weeks.So you might want to bring something else other then clothes,money and your guns" Roy says."Ok I'll head home now to start packing" Beckett says then Esposito ask "What about Ryan,he can't solve cases by himself"."There are other detectives too you know.He'll be fine" Roy says then they head outside.Beckett went to the morgue to tell Lanie and Esposito is in the break room telling Ryan about the assignment.

"What?You can't leave me here all alone" Ryan says to Esposito looking sad.

"You're not alone bro,there are other detectives here other then me and Beckett" Esposito says trying to make him feel better.

"But I'm not that close to them as I am with you guys" he says taking a sip of his coffee while frowning.

"Stop being a baby.The captain assigned me and Beckett to this so we have to do it" Esposito says then he heads out of the break room to get his jacket."Where are you going?" Ryan ask as he heads out the break room with his coffee."Home,I have to start packing.See you tomorrow before me and Beckett head out" he says while walking to the elevator then heads home.


Beckett is at the morgue talking to Lanie."Ok but Castle won't be too happy about this when he gets back" Lanie says.Beckett rolls her eyes then says "He's not my dad, he doesn't get to tell me what to do.Plus,I'm not trying to catch killer by myself,I have Espo with me" Beckett says then Lanie says "I'm not saying he's gonna be worried about you trying to catch a killer".

"Then what do you mean?" Beckett ask confuse."He'll be mad that Espo is gonna be staying in the same scratch the same room as you for who knows how long" while crossing her arms.

"We're going undercover we're not gonna marry each other for real" Beckett says annoyed at her friend then says "I have to go now.I have to be here by sunrise tomorrow" Beckett says as she hugs Lanie then heads home to start packing.


Beckett is packing when she got a text from Castle.'Hey,this book signing is really boring without you'.That made Beckett roll her eyes.'Yeah right.I'm sure you're having lots of fun not dealing with dead people' Kate replies.'I would rather help you solve cases then signing books all day.My hand is starting to hurt' Castle sent then Beckett replies 'Aren't you suppose to be signing books right now?'.

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