New Years

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Their parents already went home,they have been spending the next few days with them.Now they are sitting on the couch watching a movie."We should probably start inviting people to the party" Kate suggest.Esposito leans back in the couch and groan "Do we have to?" he ask."Yes we do,and....I sorta promise Zoe that we'd invite Lanie too" she says."You what?!You know,that we're only allowed to invite Ryan and Castle.And you know how much a pain Castle can be" he says."I know,but she's not gonna go anywhere.She'll be with us the whole time" she says.Zoe appears out of nowhere and hugs him "Please daddy" she says.

He sighs "Fine,but she doesn't go anywhere without you" he says.She rolls her eyes "Whatever you say,dad" she mocks then went upstairs to get her phone and call them.He shakes his head then heard a knock at the door.He stands up then head to the door with Zoe following closely behind him.He opens the door and George stands on the other side."Hey,what's up?" he greets."Good" George says then walks inside and sit on the couch,he looks like he's about to pass out."You ok?" he ask as he walks to him and sit beside him.He covers his face with his hands and takes a deep breath "I dunno man,I mean...." he sighs then leans back into the couch.

Zoe sits on Esposito's lap and looks at George "What's wrong?" she ask.George smiles "I'm gonna be a dad" he says.Esposito is surprise at the news but happy "That's great bro.When did you find out?How long?" he ask."Just now and two months" he answers then looks at Zoe sadly."Aren't you happy?" he ask.He nods "I've never been happier,but...what if I'm not ready?What if....I do something wrong?" he ask.Esposito place a hand on his shoulder "You'll be great.You got Zoe to like you,didn't you?" he says."I guess,but she likes you better.You're amazing at this" he says.

He laughs "Before Zoe,I was never a kid person" he admits."But how come you're so good at it?" he ask."It comes naturally,and trust me when I say,you'll be an amazing dad" he says."Thanks man,that means a lot" he says with a smile."Oh,we're having a New Years party later,you're both invited" he says."Don't worry,we'll be there.Thanks again" he says then stands up and walk out.Kate walks down the steps holding her phone."They said they'll be here soon.So we should start cleaning up a bit" she says.He stands up and walk to her with his hands in his pockets."What?" she ask after seeing him,he looks like he wants to say something.

"Sarah didn't tell you yet?" he ask,he knows she haven't but he loves making her curious."No,tell me what?" she ask confused."Seriously?She hasn't?" he ask again.She scrunch up her nose "Tell me what?!" she ask frustrated that he's stalling.He chuckles,she's really cute when she does that "She's pregnant" he finally breaks the news.Her eyes widen "She is?Oh my god,that's amazing..." she paused "Wait,how did you know she's pregnant?" she ask."I'm just that amazing" he lies.She glares at him "Yeah 'cause being amazing tells you everything" she says sarcastically.

"Yeah,you should try it.It might help with some issues" he says.She pulls his ear "How.Did.You.Know?" she ask."Ow ow ow ow ow,George came by just now and hetoldme" he says quickly then she let's go of his ear.He place a hand on his ear and frown,she smiles "Now,that wasn't so hard wasn't it?" she says then walks to Zoe."You're mean" he says as she passes him."Thanks,you should try it sometime.It helps with getting answers" she says with a grin.Zoe laughs when he sticks his tongue out to Kate while she has her back turned.He runs away before Kate finds out what he did and hurt him more than before.

She smiles,she doesn't need to look to know what he did.But it's better to make him think that he's safe."Come on Zo,let's get you cleaned before they come" she says then Zoe follows her to get ready.After getting dressed,Kate walks out of the room and Esposito appear out of nowhere and messes her hair up again then runs away laughing.She chased after him,determined to hurt him.They got to the living room when there was a knock at the door."Wait,time out time out" he says making her stop at the opposite side of the couch."Let's just answer the door first" he suggest.

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