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                            's been awhile.But I'm thinking of ending this story soon.A couple of chapters or maybe just two more.Oh and...I changed my writing style,it's easier this way.Anyway....enjoy~

About a month later,Zoe already started going to school,and they started working again.Both real and fake jobs.It was just another Saturday when Kate got a call from the captain.

"Beckett" she answers the call.

"I need you two to come to the precinct now.Bring the girl and all her things" he demands,though his voice sounds sad.

"What is this about?And why do you want us to bring her things?" she ask worriedly.

He sighed from the other end "I.... can't let you know yet.Just come,take your time if you want,just come" he begs before hanging up.

"What'd he want?" Esposito asked.

She stared at her phone for a few moments before looking at him "I don't know.But he wants us to go to the precinct and bring all of Zoe's things" she says.

"Do you think Ryan or Castle knows?We can ask them" he suggest.

She shook her head "If the captain can't tell me,then neither can just seems odd,he was sad.I'm not sure why,but I have a bad feeling about this" she tells him.

"I kinda feel it too.Should we....not go?" he asked slowly.

"We have to.Do you wanna get suspended?" she asked.

He sighed defeated "Alright,guess we don't have much of a choice" he says.

They packed Zoe's things and prepare for 2 hour drive to New York.But they both have unsteady feelings in their stomachs the whole way there.


"Why are we going there?Am I in trouble daddy?" Zone ask worriedly.

"No.....I'm sure it's nothing" he assures,but he himself is doubting it.

Kate stayed quiet,the whole situation felt wrong.Montgomery himself told her,it would be bad if they went to the precinct again and risk exposure.But now,he's asking them -practically ordered them- to head to the precinct.

Something's definitely wrong she thought.


As they pulled up on the curb,their heartbeats increased."I have a bad feeling about this" Esposito finally spoke after staying silent for awhile.

"I'm scared" Zoe tells them.

"Don't be princess,I'm pretty sure it's nothing" Kate says.

They exited the car and walked inside.As soon as they were inside the building,it's like everyone stopped working and stare at them.Like they know something they don't.Some were staring sympathetically and some had blank expressions that were hard to read through.

They got up to the homicide level and once again,everyone froze at the sight of them.Beckett spotted the captain and called to him.

"Sir" she calls.

He looked up from whatever folder he was reading,before walking over."You made it.Zoe right?" he ask while forcing a smile.

"What's going on here?Why are they staring?Why do you need us to pack Zoe's things?" Esposito ask,finally had with all the fake expressions his captain is pulling.

He sighed then nodded to a direction.Next thing they knew,Castle was there with an apologetic look "Sorry guys...." he says.

Suddenly a woman in her 30s appeared from behind him "Hi I'm Donna Miller from Child Services.I'm here to take Zoe Conners" she said.

"No!" Zoe exclaims then hugs Kate.

"Sir...I thought we made it clear we were gonna take care of her?" Kate ask.

"I'm sorry detective.But working undercover,isn't exactly the condition she should be in.You might put her in danger" he reasons.

"But she's fine!We can take care of her!Why is she here?You can't take her away from me" Esposito snaps.

"I'm sorry detectives,I tried to stall them for as long as I could,but they won.She has to go" he says sadly.

"No!I don't wanna go!" she exclaims.

"Wait,sir.Don't we have any other solutions?We can let her live with Castle for awhile,just until we catch the guy" she ask.

He shook his head "We already had her for too long.I'm sorry detective,but we lost this fight" he says then walks back to his office.

"I can give you time to say goodbye" Donna says with a smile then went to wait by the elevator.

Zoe went to hug Esposito's leg and sniffles "I don't wanna go,daddy.Please....You promised you won't let me go.Please daddy" she begs.

He crouched then hugs her tight "I don't want to Zo,but I can't do anything right now.Just.....promise you'll wait" he says.

She sobbed against his neck "What if Logan comes back?" she questions.

"He won't,he's going away for a very long time and he'll never hurt you again" he promised "But you have to promise you'll wait".

She moved back to look at him and nod "I promise" she said before kissing his cheek."I love you,daddy" she whispered before going to Kate to say goodbye to her.

Kate picked her up then sets her on Castle's chair while she sits on hers."I'm gonna miss you" she said softly.

Kate nodded "Me too princess,but we can't do anything right now.I promise,as soon as this is over,I'll get you out" she assured.

Zoe smiled "I know you will,mommy.Daddy promised that too" she said.

She couldn't help but smile,even if it was just a small smile."You need to go" she said.

Zoe nodded sadly as she hugged her.After they let go of each other,she walked towards Donna and Kate handed Zoe things to her.As they were waiting for the elevator,both Esposito and Beckett watched her,not able to do anything.

When the elevator arrive,Donna stepped in and held the door open for her "Come on.I have some kids I'd like you to meet" she said.

Zoe turned and ran towards them and hugged them one last time.They crouched to her level and smiled assuringly.

A few tears slipped from her pretty brown eyes and Kate had to wipe it away "We'll get you back.We promise" she said.

She nodded "I'll be waiting.I love you" she said.

"We love you too" Esposito replied.

She then purposely leaned to Esposito and whispered "You might want to let someone else know that".She moved back with her usual playful grin before walking into the elevator where Donna was waiting.

He was still slightly shocked at what he just heard her say,but couldn't help and smile.The elevator door slowly closed and the last thing they saw was Zoe smiling and waving at them.

They felt lost,and it's like the light that was usually there,disappeared.They turned to each other and saw that they were both on the verge of crying,but held it in.

"So what now?" Ryan questioned making them turn to him.

They glanced to the other before turning back to Ryan,they need to do the one thing that'll get her back to them.

"We catch that bastard" Beckett answered as they both walked out with a determined look.

They lost the girl that made rough days feel ok again,and they're determined to get her back.No matter what it takes.They promised her.

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