Chapter #14

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"Nice outfit, Tobias," Clocky commented on Toby's new outfit.
"Thanks Clocky, Thing One and Thing Two decided that it was time for me to get a new outfit since I've had my old one for so long," the replied said with a chuckle.
"Oh, what time is it?" Clocky asked and Toby looked at the clock in his friend's eye before replying.
"Midnight. Why?"
"HAPPY MOTHERFUCKIN' BIRTHDAY, YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Clock Work shouted as she glomped the shocked boy, her breasts nearly suffocating him.
"Y-You remembered my birthday?" Toby asked, his voice muffled, as he looked up at the grinning woman.
"Of course I did? What do you take me for, a moron?" the killer asked and Toby shook his head as a smile appeared on his face.
He opened his mouth to reply, but before he could, the song 'Goofy Goober' began loudly playing and Jeff entered the kitchen holding a boombox which was where the song was clearly coming from.
"THIS BRAT IS EIGHTEEN NOW, HE'S FINALLY ONE OF US!" Jeff shouted and a chant of 'ONE OF US' started among the Pastas that were nineteen and older.
"IS THIS REALLY A BIG DEAL?" Toby shouted and squeaked when he was suddenly lifted out of the mass of Pastas by a black tentacle with a bell on the tip of it.
"Splendor!" he excitedly shouted as he grinned behind his mouth guard.
"Hello, Toby! Oh, and a very happy birthday!" the man shouted back, the grin never leaving his face.
"I must say, that is an excellent outfit," Trendor commented as he stepped into the room.
"What are you guys doing here?" the teen asked as he was lowered to the floor, the tentacle unwrapping from his waist.
"We're here for your birthday, of course. We come to everyone's birthdays," Offender said as he too stepped into the room.
A shiver went down Toby's spine when he saw Offender, but quickly calmed down when he saw Masky watching the creature's every move from the shadows and was given a thumbs up from his lover.
"Would you like a rose?" Offender asked as he held out a white rose to the young man, who shook his head at an unbelievable speed as he backed away from the grinning man.
"Offender, mind your manners!" Splendor scolded his brother as he smacked him in the back of the head with one of his tentacles. "Sorry about him, Toby. He hasn't been aloud around others in a long time, so he's kind of rusty with his people skills."
The Proxy nodded his head and lead the three men into the kitchen where the chant of 'one of us' continued until Slendy suddenly appeared and scared the shit out of everybody.

Later on into the day, Toby going over the inventory in the basement, even though Slendy had told him that he could have the day off.
"Let's see, knifes, guns, machetes, switchblades-"
Toby let out a high, girlish scream as he whipped around, the clipboard his was holding clattering to the floor.
His eyes became wide with fear when he saw the man standing in front of him, a white rose in his hand.
"G-Go away and l-l-leave me alone!" he shouted, tensing up.
"But why would I do that when I could have so much fun with a little toy like you?" Offender purred as he reached a white tentacle out to wrap around the boy's ankle.
He gave a hard tug and Toby was sent sprawling onto his back, his hat flying off as his head slammed onto the floor and his cloth mouth cover slipping down.
Toby's shout was silenced when a tentacle was shoved into his mouth and down his throat, making him cough and slightly gag.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Why are you trying to ruin our fun, little toy? It is your eighteenth birthday, so why don't I give you something special?" the man purred in Toby's ear, making the young man let out a muffle scream and try to wiggle out of the creature's grip.
Before thinking he bit down on the tentacle, but didn't get much of a reaction from the horny man.
"What the hell is going on down here-WHAT THE FUCK?"
Was all Toby heard before the tentacles were removed and Offender was flying across the room, Jeff and Hoodie letting out battle cries as they tackled the rapist.
"Masky, get Boss!" Hoodie shouted as he struggled to contain the flailing tentacles that were trying to strangle him.
Toby grunted as he got to his feet and jumped into the air, landing on Offender's chest with both of his feet.
The three Pastas managed to pin the man to the ground before Slendy and his brothers appeared with Masky who quickly ran forward to make sure that none of the others were hurt.
"Offender..." Splendor growled, his face suddenly having an extremely angry expression on it as he stepped towards his fallen brother.
"N-Now brother, don't be-"
Masky quickly grabbed the other killers and pulled them upstairs, leaving the men down in the basement to deal with their brother.
"Here," Jeff said as he slipped Toby's hat on over his brown hair. "I grabbed it before we were dragged up here."
"Oh, thanks!" Toby grinned as he adjusted the hat on his head and pulled his mouth cover back up.
"Toby, are you okay? He didn't hurt you, did he?" Masky quickly asked as he suddenly appeared behind the young man who jumped in surprise and quickly shook his head.
"I'm fine, really," he replied, cracking his neck.
"Alright, well do you still want to go there today?" Masky asked and Toby bit his lip, thinking, before slowly nodding his head.
"Yeah. Yeah, I still want to go."

Toby stared down at the headstone in front of him, the name Lyra Rogers on the top of it.
From further back, Masky watched as Toby removed his hat and sat down in front of the grave, looking as if he could've been having a conversation with an actual person sitting in front of him.
At the end, Toby pulled an envelope out of the pocket of his jacket and placed it on the headstone before standing up and turning back to his lover.
"Alright, we can go now!" he called out and Masky walked over to the younger male, slipping his hand into Toby's and intertwining their fingers before walking off with him, back home.



Toby: You need sleep, child.


Toby: I'm eighteen, you're thirteen...

Cecil: ...Go fuck yourself. And anyway, I'm sure these people want to know what your note said so I'm gonna show 'em. But before I give you feels, I want to tell you that you should go check out my new Jeff x BEN book which is the last one in my Jeff x BEN series.

What the note said:

Dear Lyra,

I miss you, I really do. I wish that you could've been here today. Not only did Offender get his ass handed to him, but Masky willingly watched two seasons of Spongebob with me this morning!
You remember that show, don't you? We used to watch it together all the time.
Oh, and I got a ton of new Spongebob things! One of which is an entire pack of underwear...yeesh.
Also, Masky gave me a promise ring! You remember those too, right? Those rings that high school couples would give each other?
Jeff made a big deal about it and covered us in glitter. The entire living room would've put David Bowie to shame with how much glitter there was.
Well, I guess that's all I have to say for now. I'll tell you more next time.


P.S. I really really really miss you, sis...

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