Chapter #11

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A week later, Toby had completely returned to normal and continued going about his daily life without any problems

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A week later, Toby had completely returned to normal and continued going about his daily life without any problems.
The only time anything was out of the ordinary was when the weekend came around and Toby completely disappeared until Monday.

"Do you have to go?" Adam whined as he sat on Toby's bed while the shorter teen gathered clothes and put them in a small side bag.
"Yes, Adam, I have to go. I made a promise with Masky and I intend to keep that promise," Toby replied as he snapped the bag shut and slung it over his head so that the strap was resting on his right shoulder and the bag itself was pressed against his left hip.
"God, you're so boring. I thought you used to be fun," Adam grumbled and Toby turned to look at him.
"I did. But, like everyone, I had to grow up," he quietly replied and kicked Adam out of the house before grabbing his mouth guard and slipping it on.
After slipping his goggles on, he made sure that the twins were tucked into bed before quietly exiting the house and running across the street to the forest.
"Hey, Toby," Masky greeted the teen as he pulled his cigarette out from between his lips and blew a cloud of smoke into the air.
"Hey, Masky!" Toby excitedly greeted the older male as he tightly wrapped his arms around Masky's torso.
The two began walking through the forest, Masky tightly holding Toby's hand as they went.
"So, how's school been?" Masky asked and Toby snickered as he lifted his goggles off of his face.
"You sound like a parent."
The young man chuckled as he shook his head, deciding to ignore Toby's 'insult'.
"So I've been wondering, why the hell do you wear those dumb contacts?" the teen asked as he stopped walking and pointed at one of Masky's eyes.
"Do I need a reason?" the young man retorted and Toby shook his head.
"No, I guess not."
Masky lifted his mask off of his face and quickly took his contacts out, revealing his dark brown eyes.
"Your eyes have changed a bit as well. They're lighter than they used to be," he commented and Toby rubbed at his eyes.
"Yeah, I know. But they're still dark, just not as dark as yours," he replied and Masky nodded his head in agreement.
They began walking again and once they reached the mansion, Toby ran ahead and burst in, scaring the shit out of Jeff and causing him to fall off the back of the couch where he had been sitting.
"He does that every time he comes here, so why does it still alarm you?" Jane asked, clearly annoyed that she had gotten her book kicked out of her hand when Jeff went 'overboard'.
"Toby!" Sally squealed as she ran over to the brunette teen who grinned and picked her up.
"Hey there, Sal!" Toby greeted the child as he placed her on his hip that wasn't occupied by his side bag.
"Yo, Toby! Want to buy some drugs?"
"What? I'm just playing. I don't even have any drugs."
Toby chuckled as he listened to BEN and EJ go back and forth with their argument before finally throwing a book at EJ and another book at BEN, successfully shutting them up.
"Dude, you should've been here on Thursday. BEN locked himself in his room for four hours and cried after reading something call Twist and Shout," Jeff said as he walked over to the shorter teen.
"THAT WAS A FUCKING MASTERPIECE!" BEN shouted from the kitchen and Jeff rolled his eyes.
"It was just fanfiction," he mumbled and BEN was suddenly behind him, his body glitching.
"Say that one more time, motherfucker. I dare you," he growled and Jeff let out a high pitched scream as he jumped behind Toby and practically used him as a human shield.
EJ had to drag BEN away before Jeff could finally come out from behind Toby who had been laughing the entire time.
"God Dinosaur," Jeff grumbled and the brunette stopped laughing.
Everybody in the room, except Masky and Jane, let out Pterodactyl screeches and the only thought that ran through Masky's mind was 'I'm surrounded by idiots.'
The young man cleared his throat and Toby looked over his shoulder at him.
"Come on, you should put your things away," Masky said and Toby nodded his head as he followed his boyfriend upstairs to his bedroom.

Toby didn't really get much unpacking done that night and most of the Pastas barely got any sleep.



Toby: No.

Masky: No.

Jeff: No.


Jeff: At least we have dicks.

Everyone: *loud gasp*

Cecil: Meh. I've heard worse, you bURNT MARSHMALLOW


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