Chapter #21

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Later on in the day, Toby and Masky were outside on the training grounds when they were interrupted by Jane.
"Come on, Rogers, it that all you've got?" Masky asked as he blocked another one of Toby's attacks.
"Ya know, you have a pretty big mouth for someone who's only talking is because they're nervous," Toby growled and the older male laughed before suddenly swiping one of his legs under Toby's and tripping the boy who stumbled forward and fell face first onto the ground.
"Need a hand?" Masky asked as he held his hand out.
"Ugh, you're a jerk," Toby huffed in annoyance, but put his hand in Masky's nonetheless.
As Masky began helping the brunette off of the ground, something white out of the corner of his eye caught his attention and he turned his head to see Jane standing a few feet away.
"Toby, Clocky said that you have to get to work," she said as she leaned against a tree.
"Fuck! I almost forgot about that!" Toby shouted as he quickly stood up with Masky's help.
"I'll see you later, okay?" he said and ran off towards the mansion, leaving Masky and Jane to glare at each other.

"I can't believe you!" Clocky shouted as she sped down the back roads towards Toby's work place.
"How can you forget something like this?"
Toby shrugged as he clipped his bow tie onto the neck of his shirt and straightened it out.
"This is gonna suck," he grumbled as they pulled into the parking lot of his new job.
"Outta my truck," Clocky said and Toby stuck his tongue out at the young woman before slipping out of the truck.
"I'll pick you up when your Hell is over," she said and sped off once again.
Toby walked into the building, his dress shoes clicking on the tiled floor.
"Toby, right?" a woman asked as she walked over to him, her outfit the same as Toby's.
He looked the woman over; dark skin, long black hair, kind eyes, nice smile.
"Uh, y-yeah! That's me," the young man replied and the woman held her hand out.
"Mandy. But, co-workers call me M&M sometimes," she said and Toby shook the woman's, Mandy, hand.
"Why do they call you that?" he asked and Mandy pulled a small packet of M&Ms out of one of the pockets of her apron.
"Here ya go, newbie," she said with a grin and Toby laughed as he took the packet.
"Hey M&M, who's the kid?" a man shouted as he stuck his head out of what Toby assumed was the kitchen.
"The newbie Carl hired! Come on, Toby, I'll introduce you," Mandy said, her eyes shining.
"Loud Mouth is Fred-"
"Four-Eyes is Jamie-"
"Fight me, M&M."
"And Buffy over here is Jeremy."
"There's a few more, but we'll worry about them later."
Toby timidly waved at all of his new co-workers before following Mandy into the back room where he was shown the supplies and where extra things were kept.
"So, you'll be working on the floor today. Ya know, taking orders and shouting them back to Fred," Mandy explained and Toby nodded his head as he grabbed a note pad and a pen.
"Hey there~" a voice purred in his ear and he shrieked as he spun around to see a girl with bright red hair smirking and giggling.
"Kellie, you're late," Mandy said as she crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes at the smirking girl.
"Hey, it's not my fault! I couldn't find my Morning After pills and kinda freaked," the girl, Kellie, grumbled before grabbed her apron and tying it around her waist.
"That's Kellie," Fred whispered in Toby's ear as he walked up beside him.
"She's kind of known as the town slut, it's bad for business but we need all of the help we can get. If you want to, call her Horse. We all do."
With that, Fred made his way back into the kitchen.
"So, who're you, sweet cheeks?" Kellie asked as she followed Toby out onto the floor.
"I'm Toby," the brunette replied as he walked away from the girl and began taking orders.
"Boy, is there something wrong with you?" a man asked when he noticed Toby's twitching.
"Oh, n-no, sir. It's just a nervous twitch," Toby quickly replied and shouted the man's order back to Fred who gave him a thumbs up and went to work.
"Kellie, couple at table five!" Mandy shouted and Toby watched the girl swagger over to the table before he quickly went over to where Fred had set down a plate full of food.
"Here you go, sir," he said as he smoothly slid the plates in front of the man on the table.

An hour later, Mandy called for break. So, they all sat in the break room talking and getting to know each other.
Well, more like them getting to know Toby and Toby getting to know them.
"So, how long to you plan on being with us?" Jeremy asked and Toby swallowed his food before replying.
"I'm not sure. I guess until I can find a more stable job."
"Hun, you ain't gonna get more stable than this job right here," Mandy said as she took a bite of her apple.
"Who was that chick that dropped you off?" Fred asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.
"Ginger, I swear to God-"
"It's fine, Mandy!" Toby quickly said as he cut Mandy off.
"She's just a friend of mine. Not my girlfriend. I'm gay."
They all nodded their heads and when Toby asked them why they weren't creeped out.
"Kid, you aren't the only one who isn't straight," Jamie said as he fixed his glasses.
"For example, I'm demisexual."
"Pansexual," Fred pipped up.
"Asexual," Mandy chimed in.
"Bisexual," Jeremy finished and Toby softly smiled at them.
"What about Kellie?" he asked and his co-workers glanced at each other before shrugging and going back to their food.
"Kellie doesn't really care about her sexual orientation. She'll fuck whoever she wants without a thought about what gender she prefers," Jamie explained as he packed his things away and stood up.
"Looks like breaks over, time to get back out there," Fred sighed as he followed Jamie out into the kitchen.
"Group at table seven!" Mandy shouted and Toby began to make his way over, but stopped when he saw the group.

Out of the eleven teens, he only recognized two; Kyle and Jackie.

Taking a deep breath, he walked over to the table and forced a smile onto his face.

"Hello, what can I get you today?" he politely asked, trying not to make eye contact with the two siblings mere inches away from him.

"Surprise us," a blonde teen grumbled and Toby nodded his head, almost running back over to Fred.

"They don't give a shit," he said and Fred grinned as he began throwing food together.

"Couple at nine!" Mandy shouted out and Kellie quickly ran over to the couple.

It was like that for the rest of Toby's shift and when the day was finally over, he was relived to leave the place and be rid of Kyle and Jackie.

"So, how was your first day?" Clocky asked as Toby climbed into her truck.
"It was fine. My co-workers are all pretty nice," the boy replied as they drove down back roads.
"Really? Well, that's good. So I guess stealing is off the list now?" the young woman asked and Toby rolled his eyes, sighing. "Stealing was always off the list."
"Yeah yeah, I know."
The rest of the ride went on in silence and before long, Clocky pulled up to the mansion and stopped the engine.
As Toby walked inside, he was met with the sight of Masky and Jane furiously trying to stab each other while they shouted and cursed.

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