Chapter #18

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That night, the three Proxies sat outside in the trees and kept watch for any suspicious action.
"Hey Masky, I bet I can jump from here to there," Toby said as he pointed to a tree branch that was a good ten feet away.
"Are you insane? Stay where you are," the older man hissed as he glared up at the young Proxy who was sitting on one of the branches above him.
Toby groaned as he pulled a switch blade out of his pocket and began randomly cutting the wood of the branch he was on.
He suddenly stabbed it into the wood and stood up, his boots scraping on the bark as he did.
"What the hell are you doing?" Masky asked as he watched his boyfriend get into what looked like a jumping stance.
"Toby Erin Rogers, don't even-"
Toby was gone before Masky could finish.
He grunted as he jumped off of the branch and onto another one, then another one, and finally the one his had his sights set on.
"I'm  going to kill that kid one day," Masky grumbled as he followed Toby's trail.
"You've said that how many times tonight? Five? Twenty?" Hoodie asked, a hint of what sounded like sarcasm in his voice.
"Put a cork in it," Masky growled as he climbed up to where Toby was now sitting on a large branch.
"Hey Masky, what's that down there?" Toby asked as he looked down at the older Proxy and pointed to a flashing light coming from the trees.
The man's dark eyes widened when he realized that it was a camera light. Someone was taking pictures of them.
"It's one of them!" he finally shouted and Toby was off again, jumping from tree to tree before scaling down the side of one and taking off into the thickly wooded forest.
"Toby!" Masky shouted the boy's name, but got no reply.
The two older men took off after their partner, holding their weapons tightly in their hands as they ran.
As Masky's eyes quickly glanced around, he noticed something gleam under the moon light on the ground.
"Hoodie, wait," he said as he came to a stop.
Hoodie followed his friend over to a pile of leaves where he watched as Mask picked up one of Toby's hatchets.
"Dammit," he hissed as he quickly loaded his gun and ran off again, still holding the hatchet in his hand that didn't have the gun.
Before long, the two men began to hear shouts and grunts from what seemed to be only a few feet away.
"Toby!" Masky shouted the boy's name once again as he ran ahead of Hoodie.
"Masky! Over-" Toby cut off with a grunt and yelp.
When the other two came to the scene, Toby was pinned under a large man; his other hatchet stuck in the trunk of a tree, seemingly useless in this predicament.
"You little shit!" the man bellowed as Toby kneed him in his gut, almost causing him to fall over.
Masky ran over to where they were and grabbed the man by the back of his shirt, yanking him off of the panting and struggling brunette.
"You okay, kid?" Hoodie asked as he helped the boy off of the ground.
"Yeah. Thanks, Hoodie," Toby said as he nodded his head and walked over to where his hatchet was, yanking it out of the tree and tightly gripped it in his hand before running at the man who was now in a fist fight with his boyfriend.
The young man lifted his hatchet high above his head and brought it down on the man's left shoulder, eliciting a yelp and a holler from the man.
"You son of a bi-"
"Ah, ah, ah, that isn't a very nice thing to say, you dickhead," Toby said in a sickly sweet voice before pulling his hatchet out of the man's shoulder.
Masky pulled back the trigger on his gun and fired a bullet deep into the man's leg, sighing in relief when the man fell to the side, off of him.
He wordlessly handed the younger male his other hatchet before getting off of the ground and helping Hoodie beat the shit out of the snooping man.
"Stupid fucker," Masky grumbled as he kicked the man's battered and bruised body one more time before tying a bag over his head and hanging him by the neck on a tree right by the edge of the forest with the help of Toby and Hoodie.
"This'll be a nice news story," Toby said as he looked up at the weakly struggling body.
"And you're looking forward to it?" Hoodie asked as he lingered behind with Toby as Masky walked ahead of them as they began walking.
"Hell yeah, just imagine it! Those other fuckers will know not to mess with us," the brunette replied with a grin as he pulled his cloth mouth cover down around his neck.
Masky rolled his eyes as he listened to the two talk behind him, but he smiled at the thought of Toby shouting in joy in the morning as he watches the live news report and makes smartass comments.
"Come on, you two! We have to report to the boss!" he shouted back to the other two Proxies who quickly caught up with him
"Do you ever get tired?" he asked the still talking teen who only stopped to stick his tongue out at him then quickly went back to what he was saying.
The dark haired man rolled his eyes as his smile grew a bit wider behind his mask.
"Hey, what are you doing out here?" A man shouted and Toby had his mouth cover back over the bottom half of his face in a flash and his hands were on the handles of his hatchets that were in the harness in seconds.
"I thought that one guy was the only one out here?" he hissed as he narrowed his eyes as Masky.
"So did I," the older man grumbled as he cocked his gun and tightly held it in his hand.
"Come on, let's get this over with," Hoodie sighed as he gripped his crowbar in his hand and slipped behind one of the many trees around them.
The other two followed his action and Masky held his gun to his chest while Toby slipped his hatchets out of the harness.
"Ready?" Masky whispered and his partners nodded their heads before all three of them began running through the fog, hiding in the darkness as they got closer to the lone man who was still shouting.
"You're to LOUD," Toby growled as he slammed both of the blades of his hatchets into the man's back, flinching when a loud scream rang out through the forest.
Hoodie began bashing at the man's head with the crowbar while Toby grunted as he continued to mutilate the man's body with his hatchets.
When everything was done, Masky put a bullet in the man's head and hung him up in a tree beside the other man before walking back to the mansion with the other two.

As they walked into the mansion, they were greeted by the sound of screaming.
"They never stop," Masky sighed, referring to Jeff and BEN and their love of old horror movies.
Hoodie put a hand on his friend's shoulder as he chuckled and headed upstairs with the other two behind him, glancing at each other almost every fifteen seconds.
"Sir?" Masky called out as he opened the door to his boss's office and walked in with Toby and Hoodie.
"Did you finish? How many did you kill?" Slendy quickly asked as he looked over at the group of three.
"We killed two, sir. There are still-"
"Three more, I know," Slendy said with a sigh as he put his head in his hands. "You are dismissed."
The Proxies quickly took their leave and as they walked downstairs, they wondered how long they could keep their home a secret from the outside world.


Cecil: Holy shit, this took forever to do.

Toby: What the fuck took so long?

Cecil: You know damn well what took me so long.

Toby: Well, excuse me, princess, but it's not my fault that you stay up all night and have no strength to write.

Cecil & Toby: *continue bickering*

Masky: Long story short, Cecil was told a very informing thing about his boyfriend that he would have been better off not knowing and was traumatized for a while.

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