Chapter #20

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Toby pulled his hood down as he slipped into the old factory and looked around before walking into the darkness.
He pulled his mouth cover down and whistled a tune, then listened.
Sure enough, a different tune replied and Toby grinned.
"Sam, get out here already!" he shouted and there was the sound of footsteps on metal as someone walked above him on one of the landings.
"Samuel Thompson!" he shouted in aggravation and there was a groan before a boy slid down from a rope and landed in front of him.
The boy had grey skin and white hair, white eyes that gleamed in the darkness and multiple piercings on his ears that gleamed by the moonlight pouring in through the windows.
"Hey there, Rogers. Long time, no see," the boy, Sam, said with a grin as he walked towards his old friend.
"So, why'd you wanna see me?" he asked as he popped a bubble with his bubble gum and leaned against a metal pillar beside him.
"I need a favor," Toby replied as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Oh, really now? What kind of favor?" Sam asked, stalking closer to Toby who frowned.
"Do you ever stop asking questions?"
"Will Hell ever freeze over?"
The two boys stopped bickering and began loudly laughing, their laughter echoing around the factory.
"The favor I need is somewhat serious. It involves hacking," Toby said once his laughter quieted down.
"Hacking? What do you need me to find through my wonderful hacking?" Sam questioned as he popped another bubble.
"The Marble Hornets entries," Toby replied and Sam nearly choked on his gum.
"Dude, those things were lost!" he shouted and Toby sighed as he rubbed his temples.
"I know, that's why I need you to find them for me," he grumbled.
"Well...I'll see what I can do. But you owe me one, Rogers," Sam huffed before he followed Toby back to the mansion where they slipped back inside through his bedroom window
"Do your thing," the brunette whispered as he stood aside and let Sam do his job.
The other boy cracked his fingers before opening Toby's laptop and placing his fingers on the keyboard.
His eyes went wide and turned black while green coding and text flew through them as white strings shot out from his fingertips and seemed to plug themselves into the electronic.
A few minutes later, the strings retreated back into Sam's fingers and his eyes turned white once more.
"Alright, I downloaded all of the videos onto your laptop and even got rid of your viruses which were surprisingly not from porn websites," he said as he turned to face Toby.
"Thanks, Sammy. Hope we can meet up again some time and actually catch up," Toby said as he gave his friend a fist bump.
"Right back at ya, Rogers. Oh, and one more thing," Sam said as he stuck one of his legs out of the window and turned back to look at the brunette.
"Don't call me 'Sammy', Tobias."
With that, he jumped out of the window and was gone.
Toby rolled and his eyes and sat down at his laptop where he began watching the videos one by one.

A knock on his door caused him to jolt awake and nearly fall out of his chair.
"Toby, get out here!" Clocky shouted and Toby shut his laptop before getting up and walking out into the hall with Clocky who pulled him downstairs and outside to a clearing away from the mansion where the others were.
"Clocky, what the hell-"
"Look!" she shouted and Toby looked over at the trees where posters were nailed up.

We know

You can't hide

We're coming

See you soon

Toby looked over and saw Masky standing there, his face in his hands as he quietly cursed.
Something in his mind clicked and he walked over to the older man.
"Masky," he sternly said his name and managed to get his attention.
"What is it, Toby?" Masky asked as his hands dropped down to his sides.
"We aren't going to let them get us. I won't let them get us. They'll have to go through me to get to the others," Toby said.
"No one is going to get hurt and no one is going to be found, I promise."
Masky tightly wrapped his arms around his lover and Toby did the same, burying his face in Masky's jacket.
Toby looked down when he felt a tug on his shirt and looked down to see Sally staring up at him, shivering.
"T-Toby, c-can we go b-back in? C-Clock p-pulled m-me out here before I-I could get d-dressed," she stuttered and Toby nodded his head as he quickly picked the small child up and held her shivering body close to his.
Truth be told, he was freezing out in the windy forest, but he was more worried about Sally.
Masky slipped his jacket off and slipped it onto Sally, zipping it up and allowing Toby to take back over.
He rubbed her shoulders and back as the group headed back home and made sure that she didn't get too cold.
Once they reached the mansion, Toby raced inside and took Sally up to her bedroom where he helped her into a warm pair of pajamas and put her back to bed.
"You feel a bit warm, but I don't think it's anything serious. I'll go see if EJ has any medicine for you," he said as he pulled the covers over the child's still trembling body.
"Clock can be so dull at times, and she says I'm the dumb one!" he quietly scoffed to himself as he left the room and walked to EJ's room where he quickly got the medicine he needed before heading back to Sally's room where the sick girl was trying to stay awake.
"It looks icky," Sally said as she made a face as the sight of the medicine.
"You haven't even seen it yet," Toby replied with a chuckle as he poured some of the liquid into a small plastic cup.
Sally grimaced as she pulled her covers up to her nose, covering her mouth.
"Do you want to stay sick?"
Sally hesitated with her answer.
"Then you need to take the medicine to get better so that you can start playing again."
The child finally gave in and took the medicine, making a disgusted face once it went down her throat.
"Now get some rest, okay?" Toby said and Sally nodded her head, hugging Charlie close to her chest as her eyes fluttered shut and she quickly fell asleep.
Toby walked back out of her room and shut the door behind him, heading back to his room.
When he walked in, he nearly screamed; Masky was sitting at his computer desk, watching the videos.
"Toby, why do you have these?" the older man quietly asked and Toby bit his lip.
"I-I wanted to know more about what your life was like before you came here," he quietly responded and Masky sighed as he stood up and pulled his boyfriend into the bedroom and into a tight hug.
"I'm not mad, I just think that it would've been better to ask me instead of watching those entries," he mumbled before gently kissing Toby.
They eventually landed on the bed, Toby in Masky's lap with the man's arms securely wrapped around his waist.
With a grunt, he pulled back and looked into the man's eyes, breathing heavily.
" you," he whispered and Masky smiled as he placed another kiss on the younger boy's lips.
"Love you, too."

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