Chapter Eighteen: Kidnapped...Round 2

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Chapter Eighteen

Whitney didn't budge from her spot, half frozen in fear, half frozen because she realized it would not be the best move to get into that van. Her eyes were wide with terror and she took a few tentative steps backward, her peripheral vision scanning for something...anything to scream out to.

'Listen up, don't do any funny shit,' Warren warned her. 'Get into the van, we make a few calls, and no one gets hurt.'

Whitney almost wanted to roll her eyes at him, like she'd really believe him? But something was plaguing her ever since Warren first attacked her, 'what are you doing with me seriously? Is this all some stupid ego thing between your group and Riley's? Because if it is, leave me out of it!'

A few of the guys were snickering at her and Whitney was looking around at everyone trying to take all their faces in. She had a sick realization moment where she had no plans for that night. No one would notice if she were taken. Lila had only just spoken with her, Robbie probably wasn't speaking with her and Riley had only left the house with a huge smile on his face... She was screwed.

'I'll explain in the van.'

Whitney shook her head, 'I'm not getting in there are you crazy?'

Warren laughed and made a quick hand signal, within seconds Whitney felt two men either side of her gripping her arms and yanking her harshly toward the back door of the van. She opened her mouth to scream- hey it worked last time- but Warrens hand was over her mouth in a flash.

'Keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you.' His voice was menacing and Whitney closed her mouth slowly, feeling extremely uneasy.

She was pushed roughly into the large van where two guys followed her in shutting the door behind them. One of them brought out some thick white rope and began to tie her wrists together. Whitney didn't bother fighting it this time, allowing the man to tie them way too tight.

'You know this is so ridiculous,' she offered tentatively to the two guys in the back with her. When they didn't respond she took it an ok to speak situation. 'It's very gangster and all to kidnap someone off the street, but you can go to jail for like ten years for this kind of stuff.'

One of them glared at her and Whitney bit her lip, why do I have such a big mouth?

'Just shut up,' the other one retorted.

'But why did you kidnap me?' Whitney pleaded with him, the one that spoke.

'I didn't do anything, I'm following orders so shut up!'

Whitney sighed and tried to readjust her wrists in their ties. No use.

'Can you loosen these a bit? They really hurt me?'

The first guy just laughed while the other gave her a helpless look.

'What are you going to do with me?'

'Stop with the questions, or I will hurt you.'

Whitney clamped her mouth shut quickly. She was going to be quiet and try not to piss off the huge men anymore than she already has.

Finally the van stopped moving and the back doors swung open. Warren grinned at her, 'Comfy?'

Whitney just stared at him opting to keep her mouth shut, seething inwardly at his silent laughter.

'Lover boy is on the way,' Warren informed the ever-silent Whitney. 'Ridiculous how easy it was to get a response from those losers with a little bit of bait. Finally be able to settle this once and for all.'

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