Chapter Seventeen: Taking it Slow

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Chapter seventeen

'Are you really afraid of that pregnant woman?' Riley demanded roughly two hours into the painting of Whitney's room. She had been so quiet ever since they got there he just had to ask.

Whitney paused with her brush poised in the air and looked over at Riley who was clearly not impressed with her.

Fuck, what pregnant lady? She thought crazily dropping her eyes quickly, her mind still playing over their stupid kiss. She was annoyed he didn't seem affected by it, and even more annoyed he did it to prove a point to Georgia!

'She's huge, you can't seriously be worried. I highly doubt she would have broken in and left you those messages Blondie,' he spoke again without waiting for her response, meanwhile struggling to pull off his singlet without getting his hands to smudge paint all over it.

Oh God, now he's taking his shirt off. Stop, stop, stop! Whitney was glaring at him now. He was so inconsiderate, just stripping off in her bedroom, really?

'What?' He chuckled at her managing to pull it off altogether.

'What do you mean 'what'? I didn't say anything...' She turned back to her wall and started painting again.

'You said 'stop',' he laughed again. 'While I was taking my shirt off.'

Whitney turned bright red, or maybe the pink wall was reflecting off her face? Oh shit I said that out loud? 'No I didn't!' Good one Whitney, now he's really going to think you're a dumbass.

'Yes,' he paused clearly amused at the situation, 'you did. Am I making you uncomfortable Whitney?'

'Oh shut up and get back to work,' she absolutely was not going to turn around and let him see how embarrassed she was!

The next thing she felt was wet paint splattering across her back and she spun around absolutely fuming. 'Really? Throwing paint again Riley? How mature!'

He smirked at her stepping forward still holding the brush (weapon). 'You need to lighten up a bit.'

This was possibly the worst thing to say to her, the short fuse was just ready to go off and Whitney groaned in frustration at him. She'd had a bad week, with being held captive, being stalked, having a pregnant lady threaten her and now an annoying Riley who would make out with her for a laugh.

'You know what? Screw you!' She lashed out at him angrily. 'Get out of my house, I don't even want to see you again!' She turned around ready to stomp out of the room when she felt his hand latch onto her upper arm and yank her firmly so she spun around crashing into him at full force.

'I, uh...' She was so surprised she didn't fight it.

'You're cute when you're angry.'

His grip around her was tight and she looked up slowly to his face, with the teasing familiar smile across his lips. The lips that were latching onto hers within seconds, much slower, carefully than earlier. But Riley didn't do soft, he was demanding even in his kissing style, like he constantly wanted more. Whitney felt herself melting a little into his hold on her - all her angry thoughts kind of rocketing out the window.

Riley pulled back from her slowly with a grin. 'Geez, that shut you up alright.'

She was annoyed but didn't bother struggling out of his firm grip.

'What was that for this time?' She demanded, rational thoughts finally entering her head again. 'An old girlfriend hiding in my closet we're proving a point to?'

Riley raised an eyebrow at her in amusement, as if to say what on earth are you talking about? Whitney immediately felt stupid and shut her mouth.

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