Chapter Thirty Five - The finale

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Quick Recap

‘I think you better shut up and listen to me before I hurt you,’ Warren said menacingly.

Whitney couldn’t see him clearly, the evening had become too dark but what she heard frightened her to the core. The loud sharp bang cutting through the air and the large porch light smashed into a thousand pieces above their heads.

Whitney screamed and ducked to the ground covering her head with her arms in terror. He had a gun! Warren had a gun!

CHAPTER ( 3 5 )

The glass from the light lay scattered around her as Whitney heard two more successive gun shots she felt another light smash down on top of her. She kept her eyes crammed shut feeling an intense jolt of fear jerk through her body. This was out of hand. This wasn’t two bruised ego’s having a fist fight on the beach… This was well and truly a gang war.

Whitney briefly wondered how the hell she’d gotten herself into the middle of this as she lay in a pool of glass, longing for the good old days where Robbie, Lila and herself were considered the bad guys in Willow.

When she didn’t hear anymore gun shots she squinted one eye open trying to take in her surroundings. She heard a lot of guys shouting and swearing, then she saw Warren standing in front of his pack waving around the weapon carelessly. He was so angry she could see it in the way he gestured with his gun, powerfully asserting his stance in the crowd.

Whitney snuck a glance to the side, she could see Lila in a similar position to her, sprawled out on the floor only Whitney was horrified to notice Lila was bleeding. Had she been shot? Whitney felt sick to her stomach and hoped beyond hope she could keep the bile rising in her throat at bay as she squirmed over the glass toward her friend.

She was briefly reminded of her army boot camp exercise mornings as she used her elbows to propel herself the short distance to Lila through the shattered glass.

‘Lila? Are you ok? Where are you bleeding from?’ Whitney was trying to keep her voice controlled but she knew she sounded borderline hysterical.

Lila whimpered in response, ‘A piece of glass went through my arm Whit,’ she lifted her hand off the wound and now Whitney was sure she was going to pass out. She paused and took a deep breath searching around her for something to hold on the wound. She located a singlet on the floor by the door and crawled over to it, making sure she kept right down low. She threw it over to Lila and told her to wrap it around her arm tightly. She knew she needed to move Lila inside, but as she looked over to the steps of the porch where all the boys had gathered shouting obscenities at each other she was genuinely fearing for their lives.

She could see Warren still had the gun, waving it about carelessly and briefly wandered if her father or Uncle Joe knew anything about this ambush…. She didn’t entertain the idea they had organised it, because her father knew how much she cared for Riley.

‘Come on Lila, we’re going inside now,’ Whitney helped her friend to her knees and together they crawled quickly to the door, opening it and into the kitchen area.

Whitney placed Lila in the living room on one of the couches and knew by her pale face and the colour of the once white singlet she needed a hospital. Suddenly they heard two more gun shots piercing through the air. Both girls jumped at the sound and stared at each other in fear. It was getting worse.

Whitney knew what she had to do and ran to the hallway where she found the landline. She quickly dialled Robbie, a number she knew by heart.

‘Robbie?’ She said now fully hysterical.

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