Chapter Tweny Eight: The pregnant cat burglar

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Chapter Twenty Eight

'Steady on there,' Riley's grip on Georgia's arm was firm yet gentle. After all she was heavily pregnant. He had stopped her after she tried to waddle into her waiting car ignoring Whitney's shouts to stop.

'Let go of me,' she struggled against Riley's hold desperately trying to get into her car.

'Calm down,' Riley's voice was soothing and serious, he wasn't letting her go anywhere and she began to realize this angrily.

Whitney was almost impressed with his composure, 'Georgia, why are your hands covered in red?'

Georgia turned to face Whitney and her face screwed up as though she were revolted, 'Get out of my face bitch!'

'Answer the question,' Riley interjected sounding very serious.

Georgia's eyes flitted from Riley to Whitney's faces, her eyes desperately showing she wanted a way out of the situation. She suddenly went slack in Riley's grip as though she were giving up, 'Why do you think?'

'I can't believe you!' Whitney exclaimed exasperated. 'I bloody knew it was you vandalising my house, no one would believe me! I knew it! What have you done this time huh? Written bitch all over the bathroom mirror? You make me sick!'

Georgia didn't even have the grace to look remorseful, she even smirked. 'That's what you get for trying to ruin my life.'

'Ruin your life? I don't know how to get it through your thick head, I have zero interest in Robbie romantically, zero!' Whitney was yelling now feeling extremely agitated. 'Our supposed relationship is all in your sick mind, if you had any eyes of your own and half a brain you'd realize I was completely in love with Riley!'

Whitney sighed, unsure how to get her point through to the crazy girl before her. She watched Georgia's eyes flick from herself to Riley and Whitney suddenly froze in her spot. She turned to peer over at a surprised looking Riley, standing awkwardly between the fighting girls.

'I...Uh-' Whitney wasn't sure what to say at all. She just outed some feelings she didn't even know she had.

Suddenly Georgia pried open her car door and tried to climb in again, only her pregnant state hindered her greatly and Whitney had time to shut the door again before she had climbed in.

'You're not going anywhere,' Whitney warned her evenly. 'I'm doing something I should have done when you first threatened me.' She whipped out her mobile phone and dialled the local police station quickly.

'Calling the police?' Georgia rolled her eyes scornfully. 'Like they're going to care genius, I'm having one of theirs baby. It's a small town Whitney, they will look the other way.'

'Not with the amount of damage you've done so far, and I'm willing to bet you've done some more damage today by the looks of your hands,' Whitney retorted, almost seething in rage.

'Yes, hello I'd like to report a break in and vandalism of my house,' she spoke into the receiver making sure to hold Georgia's gaze while she spoke. 'Yes I'll need someone over right away, I have the culprit and I will be pressing charges.'

There was an awkward silence while the three of them stood beside the car waiting for the police to arrive.

'You know parking your car outside the house your breaking into wasn't such a smart idea,' Riley commented as he leant against the car. 'Just saying... If you didn't want to be caught you went about it the wrong way.'

'What did you expect me to do?' Georgia rolled her eyes. 'Scale the neighbours fence and drop in through the roof? I'm nine months pregnant asshole.'

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