Chapter Thirty Four: Revenge is sweet

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'So we're good now aren't we,' Whitney smiled as she rolled over the next morning to her side to see a cheeky looking Riley in the bed beside her.

His hair had stuck up on one side where he'd slept on it and Whitney had never seen him look so young and vibrant before.

He grinned, 'I just wanted to sleep with you Blondie. I'm out of here now I have what I want.'

She didn't believe him for a second and slapping his arm playfully, 'Very funny mister.'

He chuckled at her and pulled her toward him again, Whitney would almost say he snuggled into her but Riley didn't exactly seem like the snuggling type now.

'I'm sorry about the last few days though,' he said a little bit soberly. 'I shouldn't have taken out my frustration on you, I realize this.'

Whitney smiled shyly, 'Its ok.'

'No it's not at all,' he closed his eyes in frustration. 'You had nothing to do with all of this, heck you didn't even know about your Dad at all did you?'

Whitney shook her head slowly, she'd told him all this before but he was only starting to understand the extent she had nothing to do with it.

'I'm a jerk,' he smiled. 'But you already knew that.'

Whitney nodded and laughed, 'I knew that from the first minute I met you. So cocky and arrogant. You crashed into my car and tried to blame it on me!'

He rolled his eyes playfully, 'Now that I know you, I can safely say it has to have been your fault. You are the most uncoordinated person alive Blondie, how did you even get a license?'

'Oh shut up,' she tried to sound annoyed but failing miserably. She was too happy they'd made up that she'd even take a dose of his unbearable teasing.

'As much as I'd love to stay in bed with you,' his eyes had turned dark and cloudy as his hand trailed over her bare skin. 'All day and do unmistakably bad things...'

Whitney felt a shiver run down her body all through to her toes, his words were exciting her and she couldn't help wonder how the last 24 hours could get any better.

'... But we should go back to my house, I need to help the boys out with something and I said I would be home last night,' Riley frowned. 'I checked my phone earlier and I have about five missed calls from Charlie.'

Whitney pouted at him disappointed, 'Five more minutes?' She asked with a cheeky smile, her hand snaking under the covers and running down his stomach stopping just in time to make Riley groan out loud.

'Yeah fuck it, I've gone without sex ever since you bloody crashed your way into my life. Charlie can wait,' Riley growled and rolled on top of her crushing her body with his lightly.


It was two hours later the sated couple arrived at the Bedford mansion exchanging ridiculous grins, Riley even reaching out and taking her hand as they walked up the front steps to the house squeezing it slightly reassuring her.

Whitney was a little hesitant to return to the group of boys who might still have a problem with who her father was. But if Riley could look past it, surely the others could too.

'Brother dear, where the fuck have you been all night,' Charlie greeted them in the front hall looking a mixture of annoyed and amused as though he'd known exactly where he was.

'And Whitney, great to see you, you're positively glowing,' his eyes danced as he teased the blushing girl in front of him.

Riley only chuckled and pushed passed his brother heading into the kitchen, 'What's so important Charlie? I don't have to tell you what plans you have ruined for my day do I?'

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