Chapter Eight: Stop flirting and get some work done

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Whitney had a quick shower and changed, attempting to clean the mess up a little bit before Riley got there. She gave up on the living room and retreated to the bathroom to dry her hair and scrunching some mousse into it. She applied a little bit of mascara and lip-gloss before frowning at herself in the mirror. What the hell am I doing? I'm painting the house today not running for Australia's Next Top Model.

She didn't have much time to do anything it seemed as Riley was banging on the door twenty minutes early.

He smirked at her when she opened the door, 'You look nice.'

She rolled her eyes at him, 'I showered... You should try it sometime.' He was still in his board shorts from earlier, sand still stuck to parts of his chest.

'Shower? Why? When I plan on getting dirty again,' he winked and pushed past her into the room.

Whitney blinked and closed the door, this was going to be a long day.

'So Blondie, what's the plan with this house anyway? No one's lived here for ages. Is this your place?' He asked opening a bag she didn't realize he had slung over his shoulder and taking out plastic sheets starting to set them over the floor for protection.

She didn't even bother to correct the name anymore. 'This was my old home, I grew up here,' she explained. 'My parents and I moved to the city a few years ago, I was commissioned to come and make it ready for sale, pretty much.'

He looked up from where he was laying the plastic in surprise, 'You're a local?'

'Of course I am, and I know you aren't because I would have recognised you around the place.' She left out the part about him being so gorgeous how would she not notice him?

'Hate to break it to you, but I am. Been living in my house with my brother my whole life.' He shot her a smile.

Whitney was definitely surprised, 'Really? Did you go to Willow High?'

He laughed, 'No, God no. Expelled from there when I was twelve.'

'What did you do?'

'Killed a guy.'

'You go to jail for killing a guy Riley,' she said not believing him for a second. 'What did you do really?'

'I'll leave it up to your imagination,' he winked at her delving back into his bag coming out with two paint rollers chucking one to her. 'Besides I never said I wasn't in jail. Maybe that's why you don't know who I am.'

She rolled her eyes again leaving the room to go and get the paint.

'So you're painting the house and...?'

'Selling it.'

He looked surprised, 'so you're only in town for a little while then?'

She nodded and grinned, 'aw are you sad?'

He smiled back mischievously, 'devastated.'

It was then she noticed the cut above his eye was still open slightly with some dried blood on it. 'Hey your face, let me fix the cut.'

He looked surprised, glancing into the nearest mirror. 'It's nothing, a bit of salt water will fix it no problems.'

She narrowed her eyes, 'it could get seriously infected Riley. Let me clean the wound at least before we start?'

He seemed sceptical but followed her into the kitchen, sitting at one of the chairs. He watched her root around in the cupboard for the Dettol and some wipes, eventually pulling out a small first aid kit. She stood in front of him leaning down slightly to wipe at the cut with the disinfectant smirking as he winced audibly.

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