Chapter Six - A bombshell...

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The next morning Whitney rose out of bed absolutely determined to get started on the house. No beach, no boys and certainly no tattoos, were going to distract her, she was on a mission. She was looking forward to the catch up as well with the old gang, maybe a few drinks wouldn’t hurt her and Robbie’s relationship. As easy as they were getting along now, there was still an elephant in the room with them. She was pretty sure it was to do with the way they had left things three years ago. She remembered the conversation like it had been yesterday when they had crossed the friendship line.


‘Are you crying?’ Robbie was astounded when he found his best friend curled in a little ball sitting on the edge of the sand dunes. She had gone missing from school after a silly fight and Robbie just knew she’d be here.

‘Shut up,’ she threw him a dirty look. ‘You weren’t there.’

‘Tough, feisty Whitney Huntingdale is crying over a few mean words?’

She glared at him now and the tears stopped instantly, ‘Shut the hell up Rob!’

He grinned easily plopping down beside her pulling her into him in a hug, ‘stopped you crying didn’t I?’

She sighed and slumped her shoulders into his hug, ‘I’m so sick of it Robbie, Georgia’s always horrible to me, I don’t get it!’

He sighed, ‘She’s probably just jealous and you shouldn’t let her get to you. Bullies thrive off that sort of thing, they keep pestering at you for reactions.’

She was frustrated and wiping her eyes, ‘I don’t usually care, you know me I always brush her off. But this time…’

‘Go on then, what did she say?’ He asked rubbing her arm soothingly.

Whitney paused and glanced at Robbie embarrassed, ‘nothing, don’t worry about it. I overreacted huh?’

He laughed softly, ‘Knowing you Hunt, to make you cry it must have been pretty horrible.’ He touched her chin softly with his hand pulling her to face him, wiping a few stray tears from her cheeks. The wind was strong that day and he remembered it whipping her blonde hair around her face.

‘Why are you being so nice?’ She narrowed her eyes at the gentle touch and was more then a tad suspicious of her best friend.

He grinned and looked a bit guilty, ‘because I’m about to take advantage of a crying girl, I’m just trying to soften the blow you know?’

She laughed and stopped, ‘Wait, what?’

He gave her his signature cheeky grin, ‘you know what I mean.’ Then he leant forward touching his lips to hers, gently at first, almost hesitantly. When she didn’t pull away, he went for it. Sliding his hand around the back of her head pulling her into him for a much faster, harder kiss. Definitely something he’d been wanting to do for a long time. Whitney responded with a surprised moan biting his bottom lip and opening her mouth to his. The force knocked them both backwards into the sand as the two friends lay there making out for the rest of the afternoon. All thoughts of bullies totally out the window.


Whitney shook her head trying to get the images out of her mind. She’d nearly lost her virginity to him that afternoon, on the beach, in public! Luckily they broke out of the lusting mode enough to realize it was a very stupid idea. She remembered him walking her home and not wanting to go, they made out at the top of her driveway for another twenty minutes before regretfully she went inside for dinner. She remembered being so caught up in Robbie she didn’t even notice her parents were worried about something.

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