Chapter Twenty: A surprise arrest

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Chapter Twenty

There was one little thing Whitney had been neglecting to think about the last few days she’d been growing closer to Riley. The fact once she finished the house and handed the keys over to the realtor, she had to go home.

It would explain why she was putting off hiring someone to fix the roof – it was the last job of the entire house. She’d even moved all the furniture to storage, everything apart from her bed and a couch in the living room.

It was two days after the kidnapping incident, and two days after Riley spent the night at her house. Much to his frustration, she refused to do anything with him that night either. Not so much because she wasn’t ready, it was more so a last little stab at him for involving her in a kidnapping situation.

More importantly it was two days after Robbie had stormed into her house and arrested Riley right out of her bed.

She remembered waking up the morning after with his arms wrapped tightly around her waist. His body felt so warm against hers and she smiled wriggling a little to get closer.

‘You better stop that before I jump you,’ he joked.

Whitney giggled, she hadn’t realised he was awake and stilled her movements. She swivelled her body around so she was facing him, ‘This is the second morning I’ve woken up to you being hard against my back.’

‘Well aren’t you a lucky girl,’ he drawled, smiling lazily at her.

She rolled her eyes, ‘Yeah I’m so lucky to have had this experience.’

‘So are you going to do something about it or what?’ He murmured into her neck as he nipped it lightly with his teeth.

Whitney’s eyes fluttered, distracted momentarily by the tingles down her spine. She shuffled back away from him quickly, ‘Nope.’

He just raised an eyebrow as if to say ‘why the hell not’.

‘I don’t sleep with guys that crash their car into mine.’

He smirked, ‘We’re even then because I don’t sleep with idiot blondes… oh wait… yes I do.’ With that he grabbed her waist roughly pulling her body on top of his.

She squealed as he lifted her up to him, laughing hysterically as he tickled her sides. ‘You’re a pig, you know that?’

‘So I’ve been told,’ he grinned releasing her sides and letting her flop back onto the bed beside him.

They lay in silence for a little while, Whitney’s thoughts flitting from the gorgeous man in her bed and the fact she had to leave him soon. She had to face the reality that she had a life back with her parents, her friends and job waiting for her… It was only a three hour drive but Whitney didn’t have to think hard to understand Riley was not the long-distance kind of guy.

She mentally scolded herself for even thinking that far ahead, long distance? They weren’t even in a real relationship. They were still doing that awkward dance between kissing and feelings.

Her thoughts broke off at the sound of his laughter, and she peered over at him curiously.

‘You’re clearly thinking too hard Blondie, and what did I tell you about thinking? Don’t do it you might hurt yourself.’

She groaned and pulled the covers over her head, ‘You frustrate me Riley.’

‘Do I?’ He laughed, ‘I hadn’t noticed.’

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