Chapter Thirty: My Action Man

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It's funny how an unfortunate chain of events can lead to something you never expected to happen.

Through no fault of her own Whitney found herself cowering on the floor, in the middle of the road just outside of Willow with blood pouring from her nose. The shouts and loud noises from the huge fight going on around her could be heard for miles. And as she clamped the bottom of her shirt to her open wound desperately trying to stop the blood flow - she wondered briefly how the hell she'd gotten into this situation.

One Hour Earlier:

'What is he doing here?' Whitney turned to her father imploringly. This couldn't be happening, this had to be a nightmare! There was no way in hell Warren was sitting and having drinks with her Dad right now, no way!

'Oh, do you two know each other?' Whitney's father Bill asked only mildly surprised, after all Willow was such a small town it wasn't so unbelievable. Although he wasn't too impressed to find out Whitney was mixing with them at all, he found it bad enough she was practically dating a Bedford.

'Not really,' Warren jumped in before Whitney could open her mouth.

But Whitney was having none of that, she turned to her Uncle and father horrified, 'Yes I bloody well do know him, he kidnapped me! Twice!' She turned to face the awkward looking gang member in the room as her father let out a shout of anger. 'He even had me tied up in the back of his van!'

'What?' He crossed the room to stand over the now extremely uneasy looking Warren. 'Is what my daughter saying correct? Did you kidnap her you piece of shit?'

Whitney was surprised, she'd never seen her Dad look so angry before. He was usually full of patience and was quick to see both sides to the story.

'Wait a second Sir, it wasn't like that...' Warren interrupted him and Whitney had never heard him speak with such fear. All her previous dealings with Warren consisted of him being cocky and over confident.

'But you're not denying it?' Joe spoke angrily from the other side of the room. 'When were you given any orders to hold anyone captive you fool? These kind of decisions are made above your head, you can't just do whatever you like!' Joe spat at him and Whitney took a few steps backward slightly unsure of the situation before her.

Her eyes moved from her Uncle Joe and her father now towering over a meek looking Warren. She found it almost amusing how scared she used to be of him.

'Can someone please explain what is going on?' Whitney piped up before a fight started up in the kitchen. 'Don't tell me this asshole works for you Uncle Joe?'

The three men ignored Whitney and continued their conversation.

'Did you, or did you not kidnap my innocent daughter and hold her against her will?' Bill was gripping Warren's shirt now clenched tightly in his fist.

'Yeah,' Warren admitted looking frustrated. 'But it was for a good reason!'

'What reason could you possibly have boy?' Joe yelled at him as Bill took a swipe at his head knocking Warren right off the chair and into a heap on the floor.

Whitney gasped as she watched her father turn into someone she did not know.

'Didn't I get all your money off Bedford? Didn't I? Warren yelled back from his spot on the floor, either too scared or unable to get up.

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