Coffee Kills

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Cal's pov.
I had followed Harry to work, don't blame me. He did lie straight to my face and I understood why he did it but he still lied.

It was only the most busy Starbucks in town, usually full of celebrities so I went in, knowing there wouldn't be any press and I wouldn't look out of place.

Harry was on the end of the row handing out coffees so I ordered one under Callum and walked down the line. When Harry put the coffees on the counter he said the type of drink and name but didn't look up. So I went and sat down in defeat. While I drank me coffee I just looked at him. I knew he was hungover but he looked like he just walked of a photoshoot. Although his hair was messy it wasn't unkept and his eyes were the nicest shade of blue, like the sky. My thoughts were interrupted as Marcus Butler's newest hit blasted through the speakers (MARKY BUT BUT ON THE TRACK) this prompted me to go and order a coffee under the name Freezy. And thank the lord that when it reached the end of the line, Harry looked up. "Cal? Let me guess, you followed me?"
As he called out a couple more coffees I replied "you know me to well, this is actually my second coffee." Before Harry could reply his boss told him to stop talking to me. "Oh, I'm sorry, look I better keep serving, I will see you after my match yeah?"
"Just one more thing can y.."
"Harry Lewis come here now, Kyle take over for a minute." Harry gestured one minute to me and walked over to his boss. Who then proceeded to grab him roughly by the collar and drag him behind a door. Immediately I moved so I could see into what looked like a locker room.

His boss started shouting at him and Harry looked down at the floor, not wanting to meet his gaze. I don't blame him. Then his boss slapped him in the face and he fell to the floor. I understood that this man was under pressure but that was to far. This prompted me to jump over the serving table and push past the workers into the back causing everybody to turn silent and turn in my direction.

So maybe I over reacted a bit. But it was for the benefit of Harry. "Cal, please I need this job, I need the money." Harry was pleading with me but I couldn't let it go. I turned to his boss, "what do you have to say for yourself? Huh?" After no reply came I grabbed Harry's wrist and dragged him out if there but as he left he said, "I'm sorry Ben, I'll work double tomorrow, I promise." And I didn't stop till we got to the parking lot and got into my car.

"Harry, he was hurting you, that's not acceptable. I wont let you go back."
"Cal, I need the money for my flat, I struggle as it is and now I have to work a double shift tomorrow for one shifts pay."
Harry got out of the car and I quickly hopped out as well. "Harry?"
"I have a football match remember."
"Let me take you, please."
Harry looked at me and after a couple of seconds he gave in and came to me and I enveloped him in a hug. It felt so nice to have helped him but he didn't deserve to have gone through that. I needed to do something to help him, he wouldn't be in this position if I had knew about his job earlier. "Harry, I'll pay for your rent until you get a new job."
"Cal, that could be months."
"I have something in mind."

-le time skip-

We got back from his match and he won 3-1. We decided to order pizza to celebrate and picked it up on the way home. So when we got home Harry went to get changed while I got out some beer and set out the pizza on the balcony table.

Harry came back but said he forgot his keys at work and asked if he could borrow some of my clothes. But it took me a second to reply. I have a thing for knee high socks and he had some over his shin pads. On girls its knee high stockings. "Cal you OK?"
"Yeah, let me grab some, follow me."
I led him to my wardrobe, its so big its got its own room and as I grabbed a tee and sweats I could see the awe in his eyes.

When he came out to the balcony I laughed, the sweats were slightly pooling round the ankle so he had pulled them up to his knees. I gave him the smallest shirt I had and it was a pretty good fit. "I'm sure this would look so much better on you."

We spent the evening doing many things, we laughed over the articles from today and my so called act of heroism, saving Harry from the hands of a criminal. I laughed it of with Harry but underneath I still felt sorry for him and the fact he had to go through that.

A couple of beers later we had moved inside and started talking about the more serious soppy things. One topic was Harry's fears of moving into the building and how when he woke up after the party he freaked at seeing Tobi, to be honest I hadn't even invited him but he came with his brother Manny.

Another topic was the media and how I wanted a boyfriend that would be happy with me keeping him a secret until he was ready to deal with the media. Harry told me that he would rather hide and wait then come out straight away so we agreed on something.

Then a great song by Ksi came over the speakers so we got up and started drunkenly dancing and messing around but then a slow song came on and as a joke he flung his arms round my neck and I put mine round his waist but as the song started to end we got closer and he rested his head on my neck, he looked so cute, I just wanted to take a picture. But as the song officially ended he pulled away and looked at me. Then we both started to close in and then his lips crashed against mine and my stomach turned. This was the best feeling ever.

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