The Prince Is Giving A Ball

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Prince Christopher POV

Every servant in the palace is scurrying around. Silver platters carrying mountains of food are being brought into the dining hall. Flowers in multiple colors and strands decorate the entrances. I furrow my brow in confusion, what could possibly be going on.

Last I remember I told my mother no to the idea of throwing a ball. I would certainly hope she didn't disregard my wishes. I know she wants me to choose a wife but she can't just be anyone. I turn the corner in search of her. I ran into Harold holding a stack of papers in his hand. Helping him off the ground and gather the clutter surrounding I spot my name.

I quickly read what is printed on the notice:

His Royal Highness, Christopher Rupert Gregory James, is giving a ball. All eligible young women throughout the kingdom is obliged to attend in hopes of becoming the prince's bride.

I am suddenly enraged and hastily hand Harold the invitation to find and confront my mother. Rapidly descending the stairs I spot her speaking with a kitchen maid about table arrangements. She doesn't even notice my presence quickly approaching.

"Mother." I said aggravated. She turns and swiftly walks away in attempts to avoid this conversation.

"Listen to me. You have to call this ball off immediately." I said sternly.

"Not possible its difficult to cancel when you've got the ball rolling." She said then laughed. Once she was calm continues with, "Besides what would we tell everyone."

"You'll tell everyone you went behind my back and you're very ashamed of yourself." I said seriously.

"Ashamed?" She spoke incredulously.

"I've never been ashamed of anything my entire life, I'm definitely not going to start now." My father said finishing his donut.

"I probably should not interfere." Lionel spoke from upon the ladder.

"Probably." My parents and I say in unison.

"Let's say the prince goes to the ball tonight." Lionel spoke.

"Traitor." I yell in frustration.

"I like the way that sounds." Mother said happily.

"If he should find a bride, that's wonderful but if he does not........" He trailed off. I look up at him as he gestures for me to catch his drift. I smiled at what he was insinuating.

"Lionel, you're brilliant." I said in appreciation before turning to my parents again.

"Mother, I'll go to the ball but if I don't find her tonight you'll let me fall in love my own way." I said.

"But......" She protested.

"With no interruptions." I said in response.

"But......." She protested again.

"No matter how long it takes." I said seriously.

"But........" She attempted to protest again looking to my father for help.

"It does have the ring of fairness to it." He said siding with me. She pouted in defeat.

"I suppose, if that's what you want." She said sighing. I beamed hugging her tightly.

"Thank you, I love you both very much." I said embracing my father than patting Lionel's leg before leaving the ballroom.

I return to my bedroom somber. I know in a few hours hundreds of girls will be vying for a chance at my heart. Its almost like I'm a prize to be won. That part disturbs me the most. I'm more than wealth and prestige. My wife would have to understand me and be a confidante.

Laying across my king size bed, my mind drifts to the young woman I met a few days ago. I can't quite remember her name. She was soft spoken but very sincere. Unlike any other girl I had encountered before.

We probably wouldn't have crossed paths if one my carriages hadn't almost trampled her. They were honestly searching for me. I helped her gather the things she dropped after making sure of her wellbeing like a gentleman should. When I looked into her eyes my heart jumped. I think the shock was shown on my face.

I learned she was sheltered just like I am. She also helped me understand all girls don't dream of being treated like a princess. Her words echo in my mind:

No like a person with kindness and respect.

Before I could ask another question her stepmother intervened. I honestly hope to see her again. She intrigued me like no one else could. Simply easy to converse with. A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts.

"Your highness I have come to prepare you for the ball tonight. May I enter?" Lionel asks beyond the door.

"Come in Lionel, let's get this over with." I said in annoyance.

Hours later I am sitting at the vanity as my hair is groomed. I look down at my dress pants bemused. I really don't want to go through with this again but I promised I would. Fifteen minutes have passed and I nod my approval at my appearance.

Dressed in my tux and jewelry, I gaze out the window at the many coaches arriving through the gate. Placing the white gloves upon my hands I sigh and exit my room.

Turning the corner I overheard the young women speaking about me.

"I heard that the prince has a winter castle. Just imagine what would go down if I was his choice." One of them spoke.

"Have you ever met him? Because I heard he's a little bit of a philanderer." Another spoke.

"Of course I haven't but a girl can dream right. From all the pictures I've seen a man that fine needs a woman who knows how to handle him if you know what I mean." The first one spoke again.

Now I was repulsed by their behavior. Any woman who could speak such profane words isn't worth getting to know. I watched closely as they were aligned on the stairs. They continue their conversation as if I am a piece of meat.

Soon after I am being announced and my entrance is made. I roll my eyes as the very young woman whom I just witnessed gossiping about me is brought forward first.

This is going to be a long night.

Hey loves this something new and I really hope you enjoy it. Keep in mind this book will feature adult themes. If you haven't already check out my other books, One Night With The King: The New Empire and One Night With The King: The Next Empire. Until next time...........

-Queen Liv

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