The Princess Has Baby Fever

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Prince Christopher POV

Cinderella and I have been married for 6 months now. We have become distant from each other. None of which is her fault I've been gone for a month and a half. Father requested I join him in diplomatic relations between our neighboring kingdoms.

We are currently on our way back to the palace. I'm literally bouncing in my seat with excitement. I missed my wife, body and all. I can't wait to escape back to our bedroom. I needed her love in all the worst ways.

"We will be through the gates in a few minutes your majesties." Harold spoke from up front.

As soon as we made it to the palace I jumped out of the carriage running inside. I could hear Father chuckling at my antics. I turned the corner nearing the ballroom and slowed as I heard Mother's voice.

"Does Chris know about this dear?" She inquired.

"No he doesn't. We haven't had a discussion on children yet. I would love a little one of our own. Seeing young Prince Marco was enchanting." My wife said.

"Well you should tell him how you feel and then give me some grandbabies." Mother said laughing at my blushing bride.

Cinderella wants children. I'm okay with that. She will be a wonderful mother. The thing is she's got to tell me in her own timing. I won't mention that I know.

I collected my thoughts and entered the room smiling warmly. Engulfing them in a hug they smiled at me. Mother kissed my cheek and then raised an eyebrow. Oh no she's wondering if I was listening to their conversation. I nod slightly and she smirks exiting the room.

"Christopher I have missed you sweetheart." Cinderella said.

"I've missed you more my love." I answer pulling her into a heated kiss.

She tangles her hands in my hair pulling me closer. My hands make their way to her behind squeezing softly. I tap her butt twice indicating for her to jump which she obliged. I pull away from the kiss so I can carry her out of the ballroom and down the left wing to our bedroom. I kicked the door closed so we won't be disturbed.

Once again I capture her mouth in a searing kiss slowly sinking onto the bed. She lands on top of me sucking on my bottom lip.

"I should go away more often if this is how I will be greeted." I mumbled.

"No I hate when you're gone." She said.

"Well I'm not leaving anymore for a while." I said pecking her lips.

"Christopher we need to talk." She said rolling off of me. I frown slightly because I was enjoying that position. I nod for to continue.

"What do you think of children?" She asked.

"I've always wanted a family. Why do you ask?" I inquired.

"I'm really thinking about us having a child. After seeing Prince Marco I'm having serious baby fever." She said looking down. I lift her chin so I can look into her eyes.

"Will a baby make you my queen happy?" I asked.

"Only if you want one right now Chris." She responded.

"Whenever you want is fine with me. You're the one who has to carry the child." I said smiling.

She leaned over kissing me hard. The look on her face said she was pleased. I lived for that smile.

Princess Cinderella POV

Later that night I sat in the garden alone. I really wanted a child but am I ready for the responsibility of one. Christopher is waiting on me to dictate when start trying.

"Cinderella, you will be an amazing mother." Fairy Godmother said before she appeared.

"I'm afraid though." I reasoned.

"Just like you were when it came to being right for Chris. You doubted he could love the real you yet he did. You doubted he could have been a virgin before marriage yet he was. You're doubting his ability to be a father and you being a mother but I know you can do it. Believe in yourself, Cinderella." She said calmly.

"You're right I can do this. I will have my loving family by my side throughout my pregnancy and motherhood. I will have you too." I affirmed.

"I'm always here if you need me sweetheart. I must go now so you can tell Chris the great news." She said then disappeared.

I stood up and walked back inside. I turned the corner seeing my husband looking flustered. Was he searching for me?

"Have you seen her Lionel?" He inquired.

"I have not Your Highness but I will go look in the east wing." Lionel said walking towards the stairs.

"That won't be necessary, I'm right here." I spoke causing them to turn quickly towards me.

"Darling is everything alright? I woke up and you were gone." Chris spoke embracing me.

"I'm fine. I was in the garden thinking about what we discussed earlier." I said.

"And what is your decision?" He asked.

"I'm ready to have your firstborn." I said sheepishly.

"Our firstborn." He countered before kissing me soundly.

I'm leapt into his arms and he of course chuckled carrying me to our bedroom. All of the servants and guards smiled at our childlike behavior. I could never get enough of this man. Entering our room he tossed me onto the bed. I fell into a fit of giggles.

"Well be prepared my love because its going to be a long night. I gotta make sure my son is created perfectly." Chris said smirking.

"I'm not even pregnant yet and you're claiming its a boy." I said shaking my head.

"Yeah I want a son, act like you know." He said laughing.

"Well I want a girl so there." I said sticking out my tongue.

He came closer sucking my tongue into his mouth. I moaned as his hands roamed my body. Within minutes clothes began flying in different directions decorating the floor. He kisses went lower and lower setting my body on fire.

"Christopher please." I begged pulling him closer.

He obliged plunging into my nectar. Moans and screams left my mouth as he rocked me to the top of the mountain. The earth shattered beneath as my first orgasm took over. His assault never stopped though. He kept pounding into me. I knew right then it would be the longest yet most pleasurable night.

Get it girl, lolz 😜
No seriously there's a baby entering the picture soon. I'm excited because I really do have baby fever but I ain't having kids no time soon. I'm living through her. Stay tuned for more next chapter.

-Queen Liv

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