The Birth Of His Royal Highness

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Prince Christopher POV

I woke up early this morning. The palace is on high alert for the birth of my son. We have had a few miss calls on her starting labor. I guess this is the hard part for me, knowing when its time.

"Christopher, darling relax. Her water hasn't broken yet. It may be days before it does." Mother spoke placing a hand on my shoulder to stop my constant pacing.

"I'm just so nervous. This is my firstborn. I don't want to make a costly mistake." I answered.

"Darling listen, you will be a wonderful father. Your son is blessed to have such a beautiful family. Cinderella is kind and gentle, such a great quality in a mother. My point is all this worrying isn't necessary. The young prince will be loved and grow up just fine. My mother said this to me when you were born. Now look at you. I'm proud of whom you became." She replied.

"Mother how did you ever become so wise?" I inquired.

"I was blessed with an inquisitive child." She said then winked before exiting the garden.

I continued to pace though. I was anxious to meet my son. Lionel appeared in the ballroom. I watched on as he spoke to my parents. Their facial expressions didn't soothe my nerves at all. Finally I decided to just join the conversation.

"What's going on?" I inquired.

"Your Highness nothing is going on really. We were just discussing the final touches to the nursery. The gift from your parents." Lionel spoke.

"Yes Chris, we commissioned an artist to paint a portrait for him. Its finished and ready to be hung in the young prince's room." Father said.

I was about to answer when Reina, Cinderella's lady in waiting rushed in. She paused to catch her breath since she ran all the way from the west wing.

"The princess water has broken. The prince is arriving shortly. She asked for you, Your Highness." She said.

"Its time, I'm going to be a father!" I shrieked and darted down the hallways to my wife's side.

I entered our bedroom and witnessed her writhing in sheer utter pain. Her sweet face mangled with sweat and dry tears of agony. There was nothing I could do to take away this pain. She would be given an epidural later when she was halfway dialated.

"Christopher give me your hand." Cinderella moaned and I obliged.

On her next contraction she tried very hard to break every bone in my hand. I grimaced at the level of strength she possessed. Once it was over she fell back onto the pillows breathing profusely. I shook out my hand trying to revive the blood flow.

"I want that epidural now. This hurts." She yelled.

Doctor Tiffany tried reasoning with her but she grabbed by his collar. She screamed into his ear to get the drugs or lose his hearing because she would scream bloody murder until he did. I was honestly scared of her. She wasn't acting like my sweet loving wife at all.

One of the nurses brought in this huge needle and a syringe. I almost fainted when I saw the needle disappear into her spine. After a few minutes she was calm again.

Hours have gone by its now evening and my son still wasn't born. I'm getting restless and his mother irritable. She couldn't sleep because of all the pressure in her lower region. Again there was nothing I could do to help.

Another half hour later we are finally ready to push him out. I stood beside my wife holding her hand. She took a deep breath like she was told.

"Okay on three I want you to push as hard as you can." Doctor Tiffany said.

"1......2......3, push my love." I said.

She did just that about 10 times, taking a break after each one. Soon his cries were heard throughout the room. I felt warm tears slip down my face. For the first time in my life I was a father.

Cinderella POV

I looked up at my precious baby boy. Chris cut the cord and wrapped him in his blanket. Watching both of them made my heart swell. Our son was perfect. I never I could love like this until now. Soon he was placed in my arms. Tears spilled as I stared at his smiling face.

"What are we going to name him, dear?" Chris inquired.

"His Royal Highness, Nicholas Christopher Edward James." I said.

"I like it suits him well." He said.

The Next Morning...........

I woke up again to tend to Prince Nicholas. He ate every three hours. Getting used to no sleep will be rough. I didn't want a nanny raising my child.

"Hello there my sweet baby boy. You were hungry huh? Mama is sorry she was sleeping." I said to him. He giggled in response reaching his tiny little hands up to me.

I lifted him from his crib and sat in the rocking chair to feed him. I hummed a song as he sucked away. Nursing was both painful yet rewarding. I loved these special bonding moments.

"Good Morning, my loves how are we doing?" Chris asked as he entered the room.

"We're just fine. He's enjoying breakfast." I said.

"Once he's fed you need to eat as well. Healthy mommy equals healthy baby." He said pressing a kiss upon both our foreheads.

Nicholas finished and I burped him. Now we slowly rocked back and forth. He however was drifting off to sleep. I smiled and continued to sing. After one great big yawn he was out. I carefully placed him in his crib under the covers.

Finally going into the dining room I sat at the table awaiting breakfast. Reina appeared along with my husband producing two plates of food. He joined me at the table and we ate together.

I knew marrying him would turn out wonderful but I never imagined this. I was surrounded by love and materialized a family again.

I'm truly thankful 😁

Hey loves,

Nicholas has arrived. Thank you so much for helping pick his name. I will try to update faster. I want to express I have 2 other books. Please read if you wouldn't mind.

So any predictions of what happens next?

Any thoughts on Vivian's reaction?

Until next time............

-Queen Liv

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