The Wrath Of Prince Christopher

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Stepmother Vivian POV

It's been 2 weeks since the carnival and I am just now returning home. I decided to take a vacation in the countryside and visit my favorite spa. That's right I spent every last dime I owed that bastard. He wasn't going to get a thing from me.

I walked up the path to the front and attempted to unlock my front door. That's weird this is the correct key. After several failed attempts I tried the back door and got the same result. I went back to the front and opened my mailbox.

I found an envelope inside and the letter read:

Dearest Vivian,

I hope you enjoyed your little vacation. I knew you would try this from the beginning. So like I stated in my last letter I did exactly what I promised I would. The locks on every door to your home has been changed. I have put the deed to the house in my wife's name as it was her father's previously. All of your belongings have been given to charity for an auction and your clothes are at Minerva's apartment. You my dear will be living in an apartment right next to the tavern per Calliope's request. I guess your daughters have a soft spot for their selfish mother. Oh and before I forget your secret bank accounts are frozen. That's right I know about the other 7.5 million you lied to me about. I took the liberty of getting you a job as a waitress at the tavern, you start Monday. I wish you the best of luck in your new life.

Warm regards,

Prince Christopher

I immediately felt tears fall upon reading that last line. He had literally taken everything away from. I had nothing!

I walked away from the house and into town. My first objective retrieving my clothes from Minerva. When I arrived she greeted me warmly handing me the small box.

"Good luck, mother. I hope you know we still love you but what you did is wrong." She said.

I didn't respond but left solemnly and made my way to my...........dare I say it apartment.

Upon entering it was pretty nice but not lavish. I sat on the couch and wept bitterly. I woke up the next morning and put on my uniform. I cried as I walked to w-work next door.

"Good morning, you must be Vivian. I am Alejandro your manager. Your job is simply to work the bar and collect any tips you make. Easy enough right?" He asked.

I nodded and walked behind the bar preparing to start. It wasn't so bad everyone was kind to me. The hours seemed to vanish into thin air that is until the Prince arrived.

"Hello Vivian, how are you?" He asked with a cheerful smile.

"Your Highness, to what do I owe the pleasure? Haven't you done enough already?" I inquired while seething internally.

"Temper Vivian, it didn't have to be this way. I was more than fair." He said.

"You call taking everything I own fair!" I hissed.

"No, I call it reparations for the abuse my wife endured at your hands. Did you really think she wanted the money? No, she simply wanted a heartfelt apology. You couldn't do that so I hit you where it hurts. Your possesions." He responds.

"I will never apologize to that runt, ever!" I hissed.

"Careful how you speak of my wife, the princess. As a member of the royal family I can have you exiled for threats against her." He said.

"What do you want?" I inquire.

"Oh I came by to personally invite you to our coronation. We would love for you to come and sit with us at dinner. Your daughters are attending as well." He said.

"I will think about it your highness. Now if you don't mind I would like to get back to earning a living." I said walking away.

"Suit yourself but I really hope you show up." He called after me before leaving.

The nerve of him! Does he honestly think I believe that story? No she wants revenge but that's okay I will get mine soon enough.

"Oh my gosh! Vivian is that you?"

I turned to see Sarah along with the rest of my sewing circle.

"Ladies, isn't this a pleasant surprise. How have you all been?" I asked.

"The question is why are you behind the bar? Do you work here?" She asked.

"Oh this I'm just helping a friend. You know I have plenty to live on." I said.

"We went by your house last week. People were removing everything. Are you redecorating?" Leslie asked.

"I am repainting the house so I had it moved temporarily. Nothing to worry about." I said.

"Are you sure? Jack said he saw you leaving an apartment building not too far from here this morning." Sarah responds.

I was trying so hard not to cry. Why couldn't they just leave? This is so humiliating.

"I assure you everything is fine ladies. I will see you at our next get together." I said.

"Well then I look forward to it. Shall we meet at your home?" Leslie asked.

"How about we meet at Sarah's home? It would be much easier for you Leslie since you live in the mountains." I rebutted.

"Okay Vivian, cut the crap! What's going on? We always meet at your home!" Sarah yelled.

"Nothing is wrong with my home I was just wanting to try something new. Is that so wrong?" I asked.

"Well no, I suppose not. Okay fine we will meet at my home this time. But at the next gathering we are definitely coming to your home. Got it?" Sarah acquiesced.

"Sure ladies, that won't be a problem." I said lying through my teeth.

"Well, always a pleasure Vivian." She said leaving but I could hear the snickering.

They were gossiping about my misfortunes. I was officially the outcast in our circle. It was only a matter of time before they discover the unfortunate truth.

How I loathe Cinderella for this! She will definitely pay.

Hey loves,

Guess who got 2 chapters in one day? That's right, you guys. 😂

I honestly wrote this while I was writing the other. I couldn't wait to be petty. 😜

So about Vivian.......what you think will happen? Will she ever let this grudge go?

Can we talk about how savage Prince Christopher is? Like he literally took everything while she was on vacation. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
How did he even know she left? Lionel was in the cut spying, I'm sure of it.

Well go ahead let her have it in the comments. Y'all be like Finish Her! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Until next time...........

-Queen Liv

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