There Is Music In You

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Prince Christopher POV

I grew irritated with the women in front of me. This game they were playing was getting old. Lionel had tried on the slipper on each daughter's foot. I knew it wouldn't fit so I wasn't the least bit worried.

Their mother snatched it from Lionel immediately placing it on her foot. When I saw that it fit I was shocked. It was impossible that she was the one I loved. A loud shrieking sound broke my thoughts.

"And it's cutting off my circulation. Get it off me. Off! Off! Pull harder you imbecile harder." She yelled.

"Okay madam there's no need for name calling. Alright on the count of three." Lionel spoke while he and her daughters yanked it from her foot.

"What's the matter with you people a blind man could tell it wasn't going to fit my foot." She retorts.

"Are you certain there is no one else here?" I asked annoyed at this point.

"No, not a soul. No one your highness. Not even a servant girl." They respond while moving towards a door and blocking it.

"Those doors, where do they lead to?" I ask suspiciously.

"What doors?" The idiot daughters respond.

"The ones right behind you." I answer stepping closer.

"Oh, oh doors! These doors well why didn't you say? There's nothing behind these doors." The mother answers smoothly.

"I would like to see for myself please." I said knowing she's trying to hide something.

"Its just like any other kitchen. A few pots and pans, a couple of mice." She answered and I rolled my eyes.

"Step aside madam." Lionel requests.

Once the doors are unlocked I stride in and to my surprise its empty. I really had hoped it wasn't. I exit only to be snatched by the mother in attempts to sway my opinion on marrying one of her daughters. Honestly this was pathetic. When I finally had enough of this tirade I politely removed myself from the woman.

"Madam I command you to stop this foolishness immediately. Come along, Lionel." I yelled and they did as was said.

Walking out the front door I saw a young woman afraid of the horses. I smiled in recognition of meeting this girl before in the village. I can't remember her name though. She bent down to gather her belongings.

"Just like those royals isn't it, not caring if they're in anybody's way." I said.

"Well I'm sure they were going somewhere very important." She answered.

"What did you say your name was?" I asked coming towards her slightly.

"Cinderella." She answered.

"Cinderella, I like it." I said softly.

"It grows on you I guess." She said.

Holding my hand out so Lionel who was hovering nearby could place the slipper into it. I could guess he was trying to figure out how I knew this girl. He did as I asked though before stepping back.

"May I?" I asked coming towards Cinderella. Dropping to one knee as she removes the proper foot from her shoe. Sliding her foot into the slipper.

"NO!" The mother screamed from behind us. My guess is she knew all along it was her.

"Quiet woman!" Lionel responded.

When Cinderella's foot was all the way in I looked down at the perfect fit. Then looked up at her in shock. She smiled down at me. I stood up and embraced my love. I had found her at last.

Rodgers & Hammerstein's Cinderella: Happily Ever AfterWhere stories live. Discover now